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Patrick Odhiambo
Patrick Odhiambo

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JopMed: Pioneering the Future of Medical Supply with Innovation and Technology

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The Team:

Steve Murimi - Cloud Engineer and ALX Student
Patrick Odhiambo - Cloud Engineer and ALX Student


At ALX Software Engineering Foundations, we’re challenged to build real-world solutions, and JopMed is our answer to improving access to medical supplies across East Africa—and beyond. My partner, Steve, and I set out to create a seamless online store that connects businesses and consumers directly to manufacturers, cutting out middlemen and reducing costs.

Our Story and Inspiration


The inspiration behind the online medical supplies store project stems from the growing demand for convenient access to essential healthcare products. The idea is to create a platform that simplifies the process of purchasing medical equipment and supplies, ensuring that both healthcare providers and individuals can access reliable products quickly and easily. With the increasing importance of online shopping and healthcare needs, this project aims to bridge the gap by providing an accessible, user-friendly, and secure solution for purchasing medical supplies.

Research First: Building a Solid Foundation

Before diving into code, we spent three intense weeks researching. We explored several ideas but landed on one that resonated with our vision—an API-first platform to streamline medical procurement. By bypassing traditional supply chains, JopMed connects users directly with manufacturers, making medical supplies more accessible and affordable.

MVP: Focusing on Core Features


Week 2 was all about building the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). We focused on features that would offer immediate value, like user-friendly procurement processes for both businesses and consumers. User stories, data models, and architectural diagrams guided us, ensuring everything aligned with our core mission.

Staying Organized: Trello to the Rescue

Efficiency was key, so we used Trello to map out our workflow. From “Proposed” to “Deployed,” each task was clear and organized, helping us collaborate smoothly and stay on track.

Final Presentation: Showcasing JopMed

In Week 4, we presented JopMed to the ALX team. Despite a few hiccups, we showcased our journey—highlighting everything from development processes to a live demo. The feedback was invaluable, motivating us to keep improving and refining the platform.

The Future of JopMed


JopMed isn’t just a project—it’s a vision. We plan to expand it across East Africa and beyond, focusing on API-driven development to ensure the platform grows alongside its users' needs. We’re committed to innovation and solving real-world challenges in healthcare.

Check out our GitHub repo for more on JopMed!

About the author

Patrick is a budding software engineer and a cloud engineer keen at bringing tailored solutions to businesses. You can check him out and connect to him via his LinkedIn.

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