Hello friends,
I am excited to report that today marks the beginning of yet another interesting journey in my development as a DevSecOps Engineer. I have officially joined HNG Internship cohort 12.
About HNG Internship
The HNG Internship is an awesome program that offers opportunities to young Africans keen on building competency and honing their skills through project-based learning targeting persons interested in data science/engineering, social media marketing, software development (backend and frontend) and DevOps among others. The 8-week program is aimed at equipping us with the skills that we can post on our CVs and demonstrate our mastery of the said skills.
So, for stage zero, we had an opportunity to get our feet wet, literally by being tasked to install Nginx and ensure that it is running without errors. As an AWS Cloud practitioner, I immediately opted to use my free-tier account to host the Nginx web server. Here is the detailed approach I followed to accomplish the task
Step 1: Launched an EC2 instance
I started by creating an EC2 instance as shown in the screenshot below:
Step 2: Updated my Ubuntu Server and installed Nginx:
The commands used for the above steps:
Step 3: Verified that the Nginx server was running
The command used:
The output:
Step 4: Created an index.html page
I created an index.html page inside this path /var/www/html/ using the sudo vi command. I added this code to the newly created index.html page
Step 4: Restarted Nginx and Tested the Configuration
Code used
Tested the configuration and found my server running perfectly via http://
The Output:
Experience with the task
I was excited to have this as the first project. I have used and configured Nginx before through projects I did in my previous learnings at ALX. So, it was refreshing to remind self of how to manually configure a web server. In terms of difficulty, this project was relatively easy seeing that I have done such a project a couple of times before.
Well, this project has sparked my interest in that it has reminded me why I pivoted to IT in the first place. My passion and dream has always been to pursue DevSecOps. Lucky for me HBG offers an awesome program through which aspiring DevOps Engineers and Cloud Engineers such as myself can hone our skills and become job-ready.
Looking forward to a great learning journey in the internship, let's go !!
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