Recently, I was trying to prepare myself for the upcoming interviews and it was a bit tough to search in google and open link and see same questions each and every time so I thought of sharing what I have found and what is most common questions someone should know if they are preparing for an interview.
Below are the most common interview questions asked in Latest Angular Interviews. These Angular Interview questions and answers help to prepare for Angular developer interviews from junior to senior levels. Moreover, this article covers the basics to advance angular interview questions which you must prepare in 2021.
1. What is the difference between constructor and ngOnInit?
Check out the answer here
2. What is the difference between components and directives?
Check out the answer here
3. What is the difference between ElementRef, TemplateRef, and viewContainerRef?
Check out the answer here
4. What is the difference between ng-content,ng-template, and ng-container?
Check out the answer here
5. What is the difference between view-child and content-child?
Check out the answer here
6. What is the difference between component view, host view, and embedded view?
Check out the answer here
7. What is the difference between debounce time and throttle time?
Check out the answer here
8. What is the difference between forEach and map?
Check out the answer here
9. What is the difference between ng-content and ng-templateoutlet?
Check out the answer here
10. What is the difference between forchild vs forroot?
Check out the answer here
11. Why we use pipe operators in RXJS. What is the use of it?
Check out the answer here
12. What is the difference between using the Async pipe vs the subscribe function in the Angular application?
Check out the answer here
13. What is the difference between promise and observable?
Check out the answer here
14. What is the difference between Event Emitter and Subjects?
Check out the answer here
15. What is the difference between Observable and Subject?
Check out the answer here
16. What is the difference between Activated Route vs Activated route Snapshot?
Check out the answer here
17. Discuss different kinds of loading strategies used in your Angular application.
Check out the answer here
18. What is Metadata?
Check out the answer here
19. What is routerlinkActive use for?
Check out the answer here
20. Where we use generics in Angular?
Check out the answer here
21. What is the wild card route?
Check out the answer here
22. What is the difference between ngIf and hidden?
Check out the answer here
23. What is a router outlet?
Check out the answer here
24. What is the Router state?
Check out the answer here
25. What is an Active route?
Check out the answer here
26. Explain different injections in angular.
Check out the answer here
27. What is the best way to implement translations in angular?
Check out the answer here
28. Explain different routing params in Angular.
Check out the answer here
29. What is a virtual scroll in Angular?
Check out the answer here
30. What is the difference between route param vs query param?
Check out the answer here
31. Explain different guards supported in Angular.
Check out the answer here
32. What is the best way too lazy load the component?
Check out the answer here
33. What is the way we can display the app version in Angular?
Check out the answer here
34. What are the generators in ES6?
Check out the answer here
35. Explain the Error mechanism in your application.
Check out the answer here
36. What is bootstrapping in angular?
Check out the answer here
37. What are Angular elements? why we use it?
Check out the answer here
38. What is the difference between the arrow function and regular functions?
Check out the answer here
39. What is the difference between Functional vs Object Oriented Programming language? Which one you prefer and why?
Check out the answer here
40. What is the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript?
Check out the answer here
41. What do you know about Closures?
Check out the answer here
42. What is the difference between Template Driven forms and Reactive Forms?
Check out the answer here
43. What are different Kinds of Bindings possible in Angular?
Check out the answer here
44. Which RXJS operators used for transforming or manipulating data?
Check out the answer here
45. Which RXJS Operators you use mostly to handle HTTP services?
Check out the answer here
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