Files and Folders Management
COPY - Copies files to another location
DIR – Displays files and folders in current directory
DEL or ERASE - Deletes files
EDIT - Starts file editor
CD - Changes directory
EXPAND - Decompresses compressed files
FC - Compares files and shows the differences between them
FIND - Finds a text string in the file
MD or MAKEDIR - Creates a folder
MOVE - Moves files from one folder to another
PRINT - Prints out the text file contents
RD or RMDIR - Deletes a folder
REN or RENAME - Renames a file or folder
REPLACE - Replaces files in one directory with files of the same name in another directory (overwrite)
ROBOCOPY - Uses an advanced tool to copy files and directories
TREE - Shows directory structure of a disk or folder
TYPE - Displays the contents of text files
OPENFILES – Manages opened local or network files
XCOPY - Copies files and directory trees
Applications and Processes
SCHTASKS - Executes a command or start a scheduled application (Task Scheduler)
SHUTDOWN - Shutdowns or reboots your computer
TASKLIST - Lists the tasks being performed
TASKKILL - Stops or halts a task (to stop a task you use a PID which you can find out from TASKLIST)
REG – Starts registry editor
RUNAS - Launches the task as another user
Disks Management
CHKDISK - Checks disk and shows statistics
DEFRAG – Starts disk defragmentation
CHKNTFS - Displays or changes execution of disk check at boot
COMPACT - Displays and change the compression of files in NTFS partitions
CONVERT - Converts FAT disk volume to NTFS
DISKPART - Displays and adjusts disk partition properties
FORMAT - Formats the disk
FSUTIL - Displays and configures file system properties
LABEL - Creates, changes, or deletes a disk volume label
RECOVER - Recovers data from a bad or damaged disk
VOL - Displays volume label and serial number for the disk
System Information
DATE - Outputs or sets the current date
TIME - Displays or sets the system time
DRIVERQUERY - Displays the current state and properties of the device driver
HOSTNAME - Displays name of the computer
SYSTEMINFO - Shows configuration information about your computer
VER - Allows you to view the Windows version
GPRESULT – Displays current applied group policies (RSoP)
GPUPDATE – Updates group policies
IPCONFIG - Shows information about network interfaces
PING – Sends ICMP requests to the target host, checks host availability
TRACERT - Finds the path for packets traveling over the network
NSLOOKUP - Finds IP address by resource name
ROUTE - Displays network route tables
ARP- Shows a table with IP addresses converted into physical addresses
NETSH – Starts is a network settings control program
GETMAC - Shows the MAC address of the network adapter
TFTP – Starts TFTP client in console
Command Line Setup
CLS - Clears screen
CMD - Displays another command prompt
COLOR - Sets the text and background color
PROMPT - Changes the command line prompt
TITLE - Assigns a title for the current session
HELP – Launches CMD help
EXIT - Exits the command line
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