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Abstracting with react hooks on LSD

Pathetic Geek on July 17, 2021

3. The final one, useBussinessLogic hook Hooks are free of cost. i.e., you can make them really easily, and the only cost there is, is t...
mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

I think this whole series perfectly illustrates why application state in React is a nightmare of complexity and performance pitfalls. The fact that you need all this knowledge - that all this code is necessary... Just makes me think React has a serious, fundamental design issue.

I mean, compare this to something like Sinuous, where component state is literally identical to application state: observable("value") and you're done - with precise updates and no concerns about factoring your components for performance.

State management in React is just too much work, which is why people use one of the endless list of state management libraries. The fact that these even exist points to a serious design issue in React.

Unfortunately, I don't think this is something they can or ever will solve - because they have to be backwards compatible, otherwise they lose the whole ecosystem. Not that losing all these state management libraries would be a loss, but they have to stay compatible with component libraries, which likely means they can never fix the fundamental design issues around state management.

Your article series is well written and probably helpful to a lot of people struggling with this complexity in React - but it also perfectly illustrates one of the key reasons why, personally, I'm looking at other options.

stevenmcgown profile image

As someone coming from Angular, React seems so much more lightweight and simple. Not to mention using JavaScript on Angular is a nightmare. Maybe I'm just clueless, I'm not too much of a web developer tbh. I believe this is why React has become the tool of choice for many companies over Angular.

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Yeah that's very true. React is way more flexible than angular js and finding reletively good react devs is easier and faster than finding good angular devs and also learning react is way easier than learning angular but the only thing new people sruggle at is state management, if you see any course or tutorial state management is like one of most dense and long parts of it. So yes react is great but state management in it still needs to be thought more about

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Interesting take. I think if you use redux toolkit it's a breeze, it has made managing that state really easy but yeah you're right that state management is a serious issues for whoever is starting to learn react.

I just looked at sinuous and i think you might run into same problem when you share the state between multiple components. Like which component is updating the state when and predicting what state will be after some action. I might be wrong here as I just took a look at it's docs. Could you share some resource on how to manage state accross components?

Also I do know that vue and sevelte also do state management really well you may also wanna look into those.

metammodern profile image
Buniamin Shabanov

Redux makes you write a lot of unnecessary code. Changing one action or adding new action leads to change of several files.

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patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Try redux toolkit, it isn't the case anymore

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metammodern profile image
Buniamin Shabanov

Ok, I'll check it out. Thanks

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mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

Redux-zero might be worth a look too... familiar stores, actions, middleware, support for Redux devtools with time-travel, etc. - just no reducers, making it quite a lot simpler. 🙂

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metammodern profile image
Buniamin Shabanov

Thank you)

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patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

It still has mapDispatchToProps and stuff which I find a bit ugly. But yeah, still way better than taditional redux.

janestop profile image

I'm still learning React, been trying to rewrite my site, and I've been struggling with this idea. Are you using hooks as a replacement for Redux and Sagas? I've seen a codebase for a basic app with authentication, using redux and sagas and it made me want to throw up. So I've been thinking about a similar way to use hooks and context so replace them. Wanted to know your thoughts. Post looks brilliant 👏 keep doing what you do chief

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Yeah i am using it as replacement for using any state management library.
And yes the old redux stuff is really really ugly and I'm not touching it ever if i dont absolutely have to. I definately would recommend using something like I wrote in this article but if you want a bit more you can look at redux toolkit. It's way way way better than traditional redux and I've been using it for a while now and it just works great.

janestop profile image

Honestly I'd prefer to stick to just using native react in my application where at all possible. I think if it's possible with the framework why add the dependencies. Thanks for replying, would you mind if I contacted you if I have any issues??

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patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Same, I only add redux and stuff if my state management gets big otherwise context and reducer works well.
Yeah sure, same name on every platfrom choose whichever you prefer :)

blackr1234 profile image

What is LSD? Sorry I don't understand the article title.

reikrom profile image
Rei Krom

Judging by the past article titles, clickbait reference to a controlled substance.

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

@reikrom is right, it's a reference to this ;)

agnic profile image


mdovn profile image

Hook is a double edge sword. Not only the abstraction cost but also performance. Only a small state in a hook changed and you will see that all the other hooks in the same component be re-evaluated as well. What if inside a hook inside a hook inside a hook... Which executes an expensive operation you were not aware of? Your users will feel the lagging and pitch off.
Don't get me wrong, nothing is perfect but it's too easy to do the bad thing with hook.

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Well you can always write bad code so I guess the point should be that they are good but they should be used with care. Also i think the performance cost isn't that much and it might be the same as having those things inside the component. Can you refer to something where i can read more on the performance cost?

mdovn profile image

That's right, because human always (and will) make mistakes. The best we can do, in my opinion is try to design tools that make it hard to do stupid things.
You can read this article:
I found the author has many good articles on the same topic which took a deep dive into reactivity of popular frontend libraries.
The above article is not exactly what I tend to share with you. I could not find the best one. I just remember it's also from same author

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patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Yup i agree with that.
I wont perticularly switch to some other framework just because like I'm way too invested in this one and also like many companies have written stuff in these and those cant be changes as easily as i can switch frameowrk so i am more interested to just make existing stuff better and in only some cases creating new things.
I'll read the article you sent

askoflor profile image

hi i read somewhere that putting reactjs in a laravel project is not a good practice

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

I haven't worked that much on larvel so can't say much. But what I will say is if you're using react and php you definately want to keep your client and server seperate because in my experience php doesn't play very well if we have the client side in the same code specially some framework like react, vue etc.
So you can use react with php APIs but i wont recommend having them mixed in same project like what you might see in a traditional php project.

askoflor profile image

you say not to mix react and php as in a traditional project but my question is the following how to separate them and make them work in production together

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patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek • Edited

So you will have 2 diffrent projects one which will be your php server and it will only serve JSON data and one will be your react app which will call the php APIs get JSON and display it.

In local you can start your php project at localhost:8081 and your react project at localhost:8080 and when you want to call any api you can call it at localhost:8081/test.

And in prod your php project will be deployed at lets say
and react project will be deployed at So when you want to call any apis in prod you send a request to

Axios ( is a good library for making this kind of requests, you can do somthing like below

// check if we're in dev and set base url correctly
const baseURL = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'localhost:8081' : '';
// create a axios instance
const axios = Axios.create({ baseURL })
// send a request
axios.get('/test').then(res => console.log(res))
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

What this will do is set the correct base url and whenever you send a request it will add the base url before the path ('/test') so your requests will go to right address.

With this your server (php) and client (react) are two different things and you can easily swap react for vue or angular or swap php for ruby on rails or python.

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askoflor profile image

okay with this method if we realize a web application the loading speed of the site and the seo referencing will be obtained

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agnic profile image
agni-c • Edited

If you are not intending to use client server architecture , It may be wise to use vue instead of react. Laravel even sponsoring vue because it is solving a lot of it's problems without much tooling like react.

myrtletree33 profile image
jhtong • Edited

Great article, however I am unclear how you passed the option refetchQueries in useMutation. It does not seem to be an available option in the documentation? Did you mean QueryCache?

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

Hmm i used the refrence for useMutation from a jsconf video i saw a few weeks ago, myabe you can use the refetchQueries in QueryClient in the onSuccess method passed in useMutation options.
Check this link

vjoao profile image
Victor Nascimento

Good article overall. Would you mind comparing your design choices with Recoil? It seems you would have a simpler shared state with Recoil.

patheticgeek profile image
Pathetic Geek

I haven't used it yet, but sure i'll take a look and update this article if i found it interesting