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Periklis Gkolias
Periklis Gkolias

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on

Fantastic youtube channels, with top-quality learning for software engineers

Video training is undeniably one of the most popular methods, for self-taught programmers and according to Forbes, the most popular, amongst millennials.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. (Henry Ford)

As far as I know, many people are relying on one or more of the most popular video training platforms like Pluralsight, Udemy or Coursera but they use accounts funded by the company they are working for.

But what about those who don’t have that great benefit and cannot allow a budget around 300$/year for such purpose? Thankfully, youtube is hosting quite a few channels which offer top-quality material for software engineers. Below are my favorites, in no particular order.

Even master yoda agrees

  1. DerekBanas: Derek is providing a diverse set of tech courses. From assembly and design patterns to Django, Rails and UML. His extremely clear accent makes subtitles useless. What I like about this channel, is that is not purely technical, but has a good grasp on the soft skills side of a developer’s life, like negotation and sales techniques.
  2. thenewboston With 4350 videos, at the time of writing this article, this guy is literally recording while he is sleeping. Like Derek Banas, thenewboston(or Bucky Roberts as known in the real world) is providing tutorials on a wide variety of subjects. Programming courses are taking the lion’s share of the channel’s library but there a few for math, biology, and gaming.
  3. FreeCodeCamp talks A great — and relatively recent — initiative from FreeCodeCamp, where various passionate people give talks on modern technical topics. You can even send your talk there, to be published. There is no reason to consume your time here, given there is a great article answering all the questions.
  4. Success in Tech Ramon Lopez, the owner of this channel is a great software engineer I am following for some time now. Initially, I was attracted by his system design articles, but later I loved his career advice playlist too. It looks paused for a while now, I hope it will be refreshed soon.
  5. Traversy Media A channel whose ower is heavily involved with web programming. A quick scroll in his playlists will leave you with no doubt. :) He is mostly focusing on Node.Js and vanilla Javascript but there is some fair share of PHP, Python, and CSS. My favorite part here, are the long videos he has created, where you can get a good grasp of the tech he is talking in about an hour, like this one.


Thank you for reading this article. What are your favorite channels for learning stuff around the job? If you want to let people know or you have any questions/objections, feel free to post a comment below.

EDIT: Please do not forget to visit the comments section, as there are tons of wonderful channels suggested there.

Top comments (33)

coolrocks profile image
Anant Rungta

Hi, I also have a Youtube Channel, in which I discuss tutorials, and react.js projects SEO, SSR.
Please check it out and maybe we can collaborate on something.

Video :
Channel :

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Nice one explaining the ssr and seo things

varoman profile image
varo manukyan

FunFunFunction is super cool.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias • Edited

Interesting JavaScript videos indeed. I will totally have a look at the one about pair programming. It looks like he's having a very good medium blog as well.  How about persuading him to clone/migrate them here :)

rcass profile image
Rose Cass

Yes! FunFunFunction is my go to dev youtube channel 👍

avisaac profile image
Avisaac • Edited

Thanks for the post.
I'll add some more that wasn't mentioned in the other comments..
Coding tech
Christopher Okhravi

enzoftware profile image
Enzo Lizama Paredes • Edited

Interesting topic to share YouTube channels. My favorite ones :

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

The JS/ML playlist is fantastic :)

iriskatastic profile image
Iren Korkishko

Great! Thank you for this list. I covered the similar topic but picked the Twitch/Youtube channels of particular developers:

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Very very nice. I want to encourage you, by all means, to write about the dev streams on Twitch. I am 99% sure that, excluding gamers, most people don't know this aspect.

iriskatastic profile image
Iren Korkishko

Thanks! I will do my best! Twitch is the absolutely right place for the developers and I hope soon it will gain more popularity.

tomerbendavid profile image
Tomer Ben David • Edited

Would you consider my channel? What do you think of it?

Tomer Ben David on Programming YouTube Channel

Topics on this channel and all are aligned toward simplicity, in manners of CheatSheets and assuming you come from a Clean Slate.

  1. System Design
  2. Scala Concepts what I like and dislike.
  3. Machine Learning Terminology and practice (JVM and Python and R) ;)
  4. NLP CheatSheet
  5. Distributed Computing
  6. Programming and Philosophy
  7. Bitcoin and Blockchain (Technology).
  8. Programming Best Practices.
  9. Databases Concepts (Cassandra, Couchbase, more to come).

I hope you find it useful! I hope to extend it to DevOps, UI, and basically everything a developer should know or don't want to know. ;)

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Very nice channel, at least for me, the topics are quite interesting. Keep it up. :)

If you want to take it to a different level, I would suggest, your blog posts to be more analytical, not just cheatsheets.

tomerbendavid profile image
Tomer Ben David

Thanks! Will do that :)

scroung3d profile image
Scroung3D • Edited

I would like to recommend Academind

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Indeed he is great and his courses extremely relaxing

pavlosisaris profile image
Paul Isaris

Awesome topic! I would also like to recommend (in no particular order):

Joshua Morony

Paul Halliday


Simon Grimm



perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thanks for the contribution, Academind looks top class, I will check the rest too.

claudiobernasconi profile image
Claudio Bernasconi

Awesome list of great YouTube channels, Periklis. I subscribed to a few of them, thank you very much!

I want to add IAmTimCorey to the list. He has a ton of in-depth tutorials on .NET development on his channel.

I also want to shamelessly add my own, recently started channel to the list. I create videos about (.NET) software engineering, and I had a few exciting and successful videos so far.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thank you for the kind words and for sharing it, Claudio. I will totally check it out, when I will be reading unity and .net :)

plavookac profile image
Jelena Jovanovic

thenewboston is my favorite! I recently started my own channel :) I am frontend developer for 6 years now and few months I started learning backend, will share all my experience so far and from now

katzy687 profile image
Natti Katz

For pure fundamental web skills, I highly recommend Net Ninja. Manchester accent and jokes are a plus.

devamaz profile image
Ahmad Abdulaziz

Would like to recommend LevelupTut

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

I will totally have a look in the graphql playlist ;)

itsakeller profile image
Andreas Keller

I really like Scott Tolinskis videos on the Level Up Tutorials channel

I also run a website where I collect the best React/GraphQL videos on YouTube.

gigo6000 profile image
Carlos Mafla

I recently started a youtube channel and I have some videos related to Chef (devops) if anyone is interested :)

alexpilk profile image

For python, Corey Schafer is awesome!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Indeed, great python material in there. Thank you :)