How to build your own proxy IP pool using ExpressVPN
Supported platforms:
- Windows 10
- Ubuntu 20.04+
- CentOS 7.5
Step 1: Purchase an ExpressVPN account and obtain a 23-character activation code.
Step 2: Install Docker and pull the latest image of "pikadoramon/expressvpn".
Step 3: Run the Docker container with the following command:
echo "~> Run testing container..."
docker run \
--env=SERVICE=full_groxy \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--device=/dev/net/tun \
--privileged \
--detach=true \
--tty=true \
--name=expressvpn-proxy \
-p 50100:50100 -p 50101:50101 -p 50099:50099 \
echo ""
Step 4: Test if the image is successfully launched by running:
Here is a Python wrapper for managing VPN
-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
File Name: proxy_admin
Description :
Author : pikadoramon
date: 2023/8/4
Change Activity:
__author__ = 'pikadoramon'
import json
import time
import random
import requests
import hashlib
from urllib.parse import urlencode
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def md5(s):
m = hashlib.md5()
return m.hexdigest()
def generator_headers(data, user, secret):
request_time = str(int(time.time()))
md5_str = "reqtime={}|body={}|secret={}20230803796431".format(request_time, data, secret)
calculate_sign = md5(md5_str)
return {
"Spider-Request-Time": request_time,
"Spider-Sign": calculate_sign,
"Spider-User": user
class UnExpectError(Exception):
class ExpressVPNProxyAdmin:
def __init__(self, addr):
self._session = requests.Session()
self.addr = addr
self._uuid = "20230803796431"
self.user_name = None
self._secret = None
self._vpn_status = None
self._connect_country = None
self._acode = None
def set_admin_account(self, user, secret):
self.user_name = user
self._secret = secret
def _request(self, method, url, headers, body, timeout, retry):
if retry is None:
retry = 3
if timeout is None or timeout < 3:
timeout = 3
err = None
while retry > 0:
retry -= 1
logger.debug("method={} url={} body={}".format(method, url, body))
resp = self._session.request(method, url,
return resp
except Exception as e:
logger.error("request url fail {}, reason: {}".format(headers, e))
err = e
raise err
def vpn_status(self):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/status?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3).json()
if resp["code"] != 401 and resp["code"] != 400:
self._connect_country = resp["data"]["Country"]
self._vpn_status = resp["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
self._acode = resp["data"]["ACode"]
return resp
def vpn_country_list(self, show_all: bool = False):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/list?rnd=" + rnd
if show_all:
url += "&num=all"
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
return resp.json()
def vpn_disconnect(self):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/disconnect?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
return resp.json()
def vpn_connect(self):
resp_json = self.vpn_status()
current_status = resp_json["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
if current_status == "Not Activated":
elif current_status.startswith("Connected") or current_status.startswith("Connected"):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/connect?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json
def vpn_activate(self):
resp_json = self.vpn_status()
current_status = resp_json["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
if current_status == "Not Activated":
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/activate?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
current_status = resp_json["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
if current_status.startswith("Not Activated"):
raise UnExpectError("activate fail, unexpect status: %s" % current_status)
return resp_json
def vpn_update(self, country="smart", light_way_cipher="auto", preferred_protocol="auto", stop_cron=False):
params = dict(coutry=country,
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/update?" + urlencode(params) + "&rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json
def vpn_reload(self, code, country="smart", light_way_cipher="auto", preferred_protocol="auto"):
if not code and not isinstance(code, str) and len(code) < 23:
raise UnExpectError("激活号应为长度大于等于23个字符的字符串, 而你的是 %s" % code)
data = dict(code=code,
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/reload?" + "&rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(json.dumps(data).replace(" ", ""), self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
resp = self._request("POST", url, headers, data, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json
VPN status
VPN network status indicates whether the network is connected to the VPN server properly. Only when the network status is normal can the VPN forwarding service run correctly. Otherwise, the proxy service will return a 501 status or close the connection.
def vpn_status(self):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/status?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3).json()
if resp["code"] != 401 and resp["code"] != 400:
self._connect_country = resp["data"]["Country"]
self._vpn_status = resp["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
self._acode = resp["data"]["ACode"]
return resp
Get List of Available VPN Connection Countries
num is an optional parameter. When num is set to 'all', it returns a list of all available countries. Otherwise, it returns a list of countries with the highest network connection speed.
def vpn_country_list(self, show_all: bool = False):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/list?rnd=" + rnd
if show_all:
url += "&num=all"
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
return resp.json()
Connect VPN
def vpn_connect(self):
resp_json = self.vpn_status()
current_status = resp_json["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
if current_status == "Not Activated":
elif current_status.startswith("Connected") or current_status.startswith("Connected"):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/connect?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json
Disconnect VPN
def vpn_disconnect(self):
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/disconnect?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
return resp.json()
Activate VPN
def vpn_activate(self):
resp_json = self.vpn_status()
current_status = resp_json["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
if current_status == "Not Activated":
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/activate?rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
current_status = resp_json["data"]["CurrentStatus"]
if current_status.startswith("Not Activated"):
raise UnExpectError("activate fail, unexpect status: %s" % current_status)
return resp_json
Update Current VPN Network Parameters (Without Restarting)
Update the connection country, encryption method, forwarding protocol, and whether to use a timer.
- country: VPN connection country, abbreviated as returned by vpn_country_list
- light_way_cipher: encryption method, select "auto" here
- preferred_protocol: forwarding network protocol, select "auto" here, which represents TCP and UDP
- stop_cron: whether to stop the timer. If set to True, it means not to check the VPN availability periodically.
Note: After updating the VPN network parameters, if you want them to take effect, you need to execute this update interface (update), and then execute the connection (connect).
def vpn_update(self, country="smart", light_way_cipher="auto", preferred_protocol="auto", stop_cron=False):
params = dict(coutry=country,
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/update?" + urlencode(params) + "&rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(rnd, self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
resp = self._request("GET", url, headers, None, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json
Reset Current VPN Network Parameters (Without Automatic Offline Processing)
Update the activation code, connection country, encryption method, forwarding protocol, and whether to use a timer.
- code: activation code used for VPN
- country: VPN connection country, abbreviated as returned by vpn_country_list
- light_way_cipher: encryption method, select "auto" here
- preferred_protocol: forwarding network protocol, select "auto" here, which represents TCP and UDP
- stop_cron: whether to stop the timer. If set to True, it means not to check the VPN availability periodically.
Note: Before resetting the VPN network parameters, you need to manually disconnect the VPN (disconnect), and then execute this reset interface (reload). After that, you can activate (activate) or connect (connect) again.
def vpn_reload(self, code, country="smart", light_way_cipher="auto", preferred_protocol="auto"):
if not code and not isinstance(code, str) and len(code) < 23:
raise UnExpectError("The activation code should be a string with a length greater than 32 characters, but yours is %s" % code)
data = dict(code=code,
rnd = "%s" % random.random()
url = self.addr + "/v1/expressvpn/reload?" + "&rnd=" + rnd
headers = generator_headers(json.dumps(data).replace(" ", ""), self.user_name, self._secret, self._uuid)
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
resp = self._request("POST", url, headers, data, 5, 3)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json
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