DEV Community

Niklas Kiefer
Niklas Kiefer

Posted on

use-spinner - Show loading spinners for your asynchronous calls

Hello community 👋

Sometimes calls can take longer, so showing a loading spinner becomes an option to fill the gap. I was tired of configuring such spinners times and times again.

Yesterday I built a tiny Javascript library called use-spinner that simply wraps asynchronous calls into a new function adding a loading spinner to the DOM.

Simply install the module

$ npm install --save use-spinner
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and embed it in your Node.js styled application.

import useSpinner from 'use-spinner';

import 'use-spinner/assets/use-spinner.css';

const mySlowCall = async () => {
  return await fetch(/*...*/);

const spinned = useSpinner(mySlowCall);

await spinned();
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Of course, it is rather rudimentary right now and the spinner itself is hardly customizable. However, I like the easiness of integration to existing functions without much configuration.

Enjoy ❤️

GitHub logo pinussilvestrus / use-spinner

Add a simple loading spinner to your async JS calls - built for the browser.


CI npm bundle size

Add a simple loading spinner to your async JS calls - built for the browser.


$ npm install --save use-spinner
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import useSpinner from 'use-spinner';

import 'use-spinner/assets/use-spinner.css';

const fn = async () => {
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
  }, 2000));

// wrap your asynchronous function
const spinnedFn = useSpinner(fn, {
  container: 'body'

// execute with a loading spinner
await spinnedFn();
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The API accepts a second argument configuring the wrapped function. This defaults to:

  container: 'body'
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  • container: a selector or a DOM element that appends the loading spinner.



Top comments (3)

devtalhaakbar profile image
Muhammad Talha Akbar

Nice. However, my other concerns aside, you are using appending the spinner on every useSpinner call. You might need to send multiple requests at the same time which will append multiple spinners. Perhaps, you append the spinner at the creation already and then just toggle show class?

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

Not everything needs to be a hook, this is one example of this.

pinussilvestrus profile image
Niklas Kiefer

Interesting you call it a hook although the term was nowhere mentioned. 🙂

That's the way of API design: make it familiar to what people are used about. I agree not everything has to be a hook. But make it easy to consume.