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Study Notes 1.3.2: Terraform Basics with GCP

1. Authentication Setup for Terraform

  • Service Account Creation:
    • A service account is used by software (like Terraform) to authenticate with GCP.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts in GCP Console.
      2. Create a service account (e.g., terraform-runner).
      3. Assign permissions:
        • Storage Admin (for GCS bucket management).
        • BigQuery Admin (for dataset management).
        • Compute Engine Admin (optional, added later via "Edit Principal").
  • Service Account Key:
    • Generate a JSON key for the service account (Manage Keys > Create New Key > JSON).
    • Security Warning:
      • Never expose the JSON key (risk of unauthorized resource creation, cost overruns, or malicious activity).
      • Avoid storing keys in insecure locations (email, Google Drive, GitHub).

2. Local Environment Configuration

  • Directory Setup:
    • Create a project directory (e.g., terraform-demo) and a subdirectory for keys (e.g., keys/).
    • Save the JSON key as keys/my-creds.json.
  • Environment Variable:

    • Set the key path for Terraform authentication:

      export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/terraform-demo/keys/my-creds.json
  • VS Code Setup:

    • Install the HashiCorp Terraform extension for syntax highlighting and autocompletion.

3. Terraform Configuration

  • Provider Setup:

    • Create with the Google provider configuration:

      provider "google" {
        project = "your-project-id"  # Use GCP project ID, not name
        region  = "us-central1"
    • Formatting: Use terraform fmt to auto-format code.

4. Resource Creation (GCS Bucket Example)

  • Define a Bucket:

    resource "google_storage_bucket" "demo-bucket" {
      name          = "terraform-demo-bucket"  # Globally unique name
      location      = "US"
      force_destroy = true  # Allows Terraform to delete non-empty buckets
      lifecycle_rule {
        action {
          type = "Delete"
        condition {
          age = 3  # Delete objects after 3 days
      lifecycle_rule {
        action {
          type = "AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload"
        condition {
          age = 1  # Abort incomplete uploads after 1 day
  • Workflow Commands:

    1. terraform init: Initializes providers and modules.
    2. terraform plan: Previews changes without applying them.
    3. terraform apply: Creates resources (type yes to confirm).
    4. terraform destroy: Removes all managed resources (type yes to confirm).

5. Security Best Practices

  • State File (terraform.tfstate):
    • Contains sensitive data (resource IDs, configurations).
    • Never commit to version control. Use .gitignore (see below).
  • GitHub Precautions:

    • Add a .gitignore file to exclude:

      # .gitignore
      *.json  # Exclude credential files
    • Use private repositories for Terraform projects.

6. Key Takeaways

  • Least Privilege: Assign minimal permissions to service accounts.
  • Credentials Management:
    • Rotate keys regularly.
    • Use environment variables or secure secret managers.
  • State Management:
    • Store terraform.tfstate securely (e.g., GCS bucket with versioning).
  • Plan Before Apply: Always review terraform plan to avoid unintended changes.

Next Steps: Explore variables, modules, and remote state management for scalable Terraform projects.

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