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Study Notes 5.5.1-2 Operations on Spark RDDs & Spark RDD mapPartition

Study Notes 5.5.1 - Spark RDDs

1. Introduction to RDDs on Spark

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) are the low-level, core abstraction in Apache Spark for working with distributed data. They represent an immutable, partitioned collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel. While modern Spark applications typically use higher-level APIs such as DataFrames and Datasets (which build on top of RDDs), understanding RDDs is crucial for:

  • Grasping Spark’s Internals: Many of the optimizations in DataFrames stem from operations initially developed for RDDs.
  • Fine-Grained Control: In certain cases, low-level operations using RDDs can be more efficient or necessary when custom processing is required.
  • Debugging & Optimization: Knowing how data is partitioned, transformed, and shuffled helps diagnose performance bottlenecks.

2. Basic Concepts

Distributed Data and Partitions

  • Partition: An RDD is divided into multiple partitions, with each partition being processed by a different executor in the cluster. This division allows Spark to perform parallel computations.
  • Lazy Evaluation: Transformations on RDDs (e.g., map, filter) are lazy. This means Spark does not immediately execute the transformation; instead, it builds a logical plan that only executes when an action (e.g., take, collect, write) is called.

Transformations vs. Actions

  • Transformations: Operations that produce a new RDD from an existing one (e.g., map, filter, reduceByKey). They are lazy and only define the computation.
  • Actions: Operations that trigger the execution of the transformations (e.g., take, collect, show). They return a value to the driver or write data to an external storage system.

3. Core RDD Operations Illustrated in the Transcript

3.1 Filtering Data

  • Purpose: To remove unwanted records.
  • Example:
    In the transcript, filtering is used to remove outliers (records before 2020).

    filtered_rdd = original_rdd.filter(lambda row: row.lpap_pickup_datetime >= start_date)

3.2 Mapping Data

  • Purpose: To transform each element in the RDD.
  • Example: A mapping function (prepare_for_grouping) is used to transform each row into a key-value pair:

This is roughly represented as:
- Key: A composite of the truncated hour and the zone.
- Value: A tuple containing the amount and a count of 1.

def prepare_for_grouping(row):
    # Truncate time to the hour and extract zone
    hour = row.lpap_pickup_datetime.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    key = (hour, row.pu_location_id)
    value = (row.total_amount, 1)
    return (key, value)

kv_rdd =

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3.3 Grouping and Aggregation using Reduce

  • reduceByKey: After mapping, records with the same key are aggregated using reduceByKey to sum up revenue and count:

This operation:

def aggregate_values(val1, val2):
    # Unpack the composite values (amount, count)
    amount1, count1 = val1
    amount2, count2 = val2
    return (amount1 + amount2, count1 + count2)

aggregated_rdd = kv_rdd.reduceByKey(aggregate_values)

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- Aggregates all tuples with the same key.
- Involves a **shuffle** step, where data with the same key is brought together across partitions.
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3.4 Unwrapping and Converting Back to DataFrame

  • Unwrapping:
    Once the grouped data is aggregated, a final map is applied to “unwrap” the nested tuples into a flat structure:

    def unwrap_result(record):
        (hour, zone), (total_amount, count) = record
        return (hour, zone, total_amount, count)
    flat_rdd =
  • Converting to DataFrame:
    To restore schema and column names, one can either let Spark infer the schema or provide it explicitly. The transcript uses Python’s namedtuple to define a schema:

Providing an explicit schema can avoid extra computation in schema inference.

from collections import namedtuple
RevenueRow = namedtuple("RevenueRow", ["hour", "zone", "revenue", "count"])
final_rdd = r: RevenueRow(*r))
final_df = final_rdd.toDF()

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3.5 Execution Stages and Shuffling

  • Stages: The transformation pipeline involves multiple stages. In this example:
    • Stage 1: Applying map and filter transformations locally in each partition.
    • Stage 2: The reduceByKey operation forces a shuffle as it brings together all elements with the same key from different partitions.
  • Spark UI: By writing the result to Parquet and viewing Spark’s UI (typically on localhost:4040), one can see the physical execution graph, which helps in understanding the cost of shuffling and the distribution of tasks.

4. Supplementary Information for Beginners and Professionals

4.1 RDD API vs. DataFrame API

  • RDD API:
    • Pros:
      • Fine-grained control over data.
      • Better suited for unstructured data or custom processing.
    • Cons:
      • Requires manual handling of many aspects (e.g., schema management, error handling).
      • Lacks the optimization benefits provided by Spark’s Catalyst optimizer.
  • DataFrame API:
    • Pros:
      • Higher-level, declarative API.
      • Built-in optimizations (Catalyst and Tungsten).
      • More concise code.
    • Cons:
      • Slightly less control over low-level operations.
      • May hide some details that are useful for understanding execution.

4.2 MapPartitions

  • Definition: The mapPartitions operation allows you to apply a function to each partition (instead of each record). This can be more efficient when:
    • You need to initialize a costly resource once per partition.
    • You want to minimize the overhead of function calls.
  • Use Case: Although the transcript mentions that mapPartitions will be covered in the next video, note that it is particularly useful when you want to perform operations that benefit from batch processing within a partition.

4.3 Best Practices and Performance Considerations

  • Readable Code: Use named functions instead of lambda expressions for complex operations to improve readability and debugging.
  • Minimize Shuffling: Shuffling is an expensive operation in distributed systems. Always consider if you can minimize shuffles by:
    • Repartitioning data smartly.
    • Caching intermediate RDDs if they are reused.
  • Explicit Schema Definition: When converting RDDs back to DataFrames, defining the schema explicitly can save time by avoiding the overhead of schema inference.
  • Leverage Spark UI: Regularly check the Spark UI to understand job stages, partition sizes, and to troubleshoot performance bottlenecks.

5. Detailed Workflow from the Example

  1. Starting Point:
    • Begin with a DataFrame (e.g., a green dataset) that is internally backed by an RDD.
    • Convert the DataFrame to an RDD if you need to perform low-level transformations.
  2. Select and Filter:
    • Narrow down the dataset to relevant columns.
    • Apply filtering to remove records (e.g., those before 2020).
  3. Transformation (Mapping):
    • Apply a map function to convert each record into a key-value pair.
    • The composite key (hour, zone) and composite value (total_amount, count) are set up to prepare for aggregation.
  4. Grouping and Aggregation:
    • Use reduceByKey to aggregate values for each key, summing up the revenue and counting records.
    • Understand that this operation forces a shuffle where data is exchanged between partitions.
  5. Unwrapping and Final Conversion:
    • Use another map to flatten the nested structure.
    • Convert the final RDD back into a DataFrame by either inferring or explicitly providing the schema (using techniques like named tuples).
  6. Execution Insights:
    • Review the job’s execution stages using Spark’s UI.
    • Save the final DataFrame (e.g., to Parquet) as needed.

6. Conclusion

Understanding RDDs is essential for anyone looking to dive deep into Spark’s processing model. While high-level APIs like DataFrames simplify many tasks, RDDs offer a transparent look into the mechanics of distributed computing, including:

  • How data is partitioned and transformed.
  • The inner workings of map, filter, and reduce operations.
  • The impact of shuffling and stage division on performance.

Study Notes 5.5.2 - Spark RDD mapPartitions

1. Introduction

mapPartitions is a transformation in Spark’s RDD API that applies a function to each entire partition (i.e., a chunk of data) rather than to each individual element as with the regular map function. This functionality is especially useful when:

  • You want to initialize expensive resources (such as database connections or machine learning models) only once per partition.
  • You need to process large datasets in chunks, which can help overcome memory limitations or improve performance in batch operations.

2. RDD Basics Recap

Before diving into mapPartitions, it helps to understand a few foundational concepts:

  • Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD):

    The fundamental distributed data structure in Spark, representing an immutable collection of objects partitioned across the cluster.

  • Partitions:

    RDDs are split into partitions. Each partition is processed independently on a different executor, enabling parallel processing.

  • Transformations vs. Actions:

    • Transformations (e.g., map, filter, reduceByKey) are lazy and define a new RDD based on existing data.
    • Actions (e.g., collect, take, write) trigger the execution of these transformations to produce output or side effects.

3. Understanding mapPartitions

3.1 How It Differs from map

  • map:

    Applies a function to each element in the RDD individually, producing one output element for each input element.

  • mapPartitions:

    Applies a function to an entire partition (an iterator of elements) and returns an iterator. This gives you the opportunity to process the entire batch of records in that partition, which is especially useful when:

    • The per-record overhead of function calls is high.
    • A function (such as a machine learning model prediction) can work on a batch of data more efficiently than on one record at a time.

3.2 Benefits and Use Cases

  • Memory Efficiency:

    When dealing with very large datasets (e.g., terabytes of data), processing data in chunks can help manage memory usage by working with smaller subsets.

  • Batch Processing for Machine Learning:

    You might have a machine learning model that is designed to predict outcomes on a batch of inputs at once. Using mapPartitions allows you to:

    • Convert each partition into a format suitable for the model (e.g., a Pandas DataFrame).
    • Apply the model to the entire batch.
    • Return the predictions in a flattened, unified RDD.
  • Resource Optimization:

    Expensive resources (like model initialization or database connections) can be set up once per partition instead of once per record.

4. Detailed Walkthrough: Trip Duration Prediction Example

In the transcript, an example is given where a Spark job is used to predict trip durations based on a green dataset. The main steps include:

4.1 Data Preparation

  • Selecting Relevant Columns:

    For the prediction task, the following fields are selected:

    • Vendor ID
    • Pickup Time
    • Drop-off Time
    • Location IDs (for pickup and drop-off)
    • Trip Distance
  • Converting DataFrame to RDD:

    Although the starting point might be a DataFrame, the transformation to an RDD is needed to apply low-level operations with mapPartitions.

4.2 Using mapPartitions

  • Basic Example – Counting Rows per Partition:

    A simple function is defined that iterates over all rows in a partition and counts them. The key points are:

    • The function receives an iterator (not a list) for each partition.
    • It must return an iterable (for instance, a list or generator).
    • Spark automatically flattens the list returned from each partition.
    def count_partition_rows(partition):
        count = 0
        for row in partition:
            count += 1
        # Must return an iterable, so wrap the count in a list
        return [count]
    partition_counts = rdd.mapPartitions(count_partition_rows).collect()
  • Processing Data in Batches with a Machine Learning Model:

    In a more advanced example, the goal is to predict trip duration using a (hypothetical) machine learning model. Key steps include:

1. **Convert the Partition to a Pandas DataFrame:**

    This is often needed because many ML models expect a Pandas DataFrame as input.
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    import pandas as pd

    def process_partition(partition):
        # Convert partition iterator to a list
        rows = list(partition)
        # Create a Pandas DataFrame with predefined columns
        df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=["vendor_id", "pickup_time", "dropoff_time", "distance"])
        # (Optional) Pre-process DataFrame if needed
        return df

    # Note: In practice, you might not want to materialize all rows if partitions are huge.

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2. **Apply the Machine Learning Model:**

    A dummy model is used for illustration (e.g., predict 5 minutes per mile).
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    def model_predict(df):
        # Dummy prediction: 5 minutes per mile
        df['predicted_duration'] = df['distance'] * 5
        return df

    def process_and_predict(partition):
        # Convert partition to DataFrame
        df = pd.DataFrame(list(partition), columns=["vendor_id", "pickup_time", "dropoff_time", "distance"])
        # Apply the model prediction
        result_df = model_predict(df)
        # Yield each row (using yield to return an iterator)
        for row in result_df.itertuples(index=False, name=None):
            yield row

    # Apply mapPartitions to run the prediction on each partition
    predictions_rdd = rdd.mapPartitions(process_and_predict)
    predictions = predictions_rdd.take(10)

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3. Handling and Flattening the Output:
Because **mapPartitions** expects and returns an iterator, using the `yield` keyword within the function ensures that each row is returned individually, and Spark flattens the results from all partitions.
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4.3 Considerations During Implementation

  • Memory Constraints:

    Materializing large partitions as a Pandas DataFrame might cause memory issues. If partitions are too large, consider:

    • Repartitioning the RDD (though this is an expensive operation).
    • Slicing the iterator into smaller chunks using libraries (e.g., Twitter’s toolz or other iterator-slicing techniques).
  • Partition Balance:

    Unbalanced partitions (where some have significantly more data than others) can lead to performance bottlenecks. Monitoring partition sizes via mapPartitions (e.g., counting rows per partition) can help diagnose these issues.

  • Iterators and Generators:

    When using mapPartitions, remember:

    • The function receives an iterator, not a list.
    • Use a loop or generator (yield) to process and return each element.
    • This approach helps avoid high memory consumption as Spark processes data lazily.

5. Best Practices and Additional Insights

5.1 When to Use mapPartitions

  • Batch Processing:

    Ideal when your operation naturally works on batches rather than single records—especially common in machine learning prediction or aggregation tasks.

  • Resource Initialization:

    If initializing a model or a database connection is expensive, use mapPartitions so the initialization occurs once per partition instead of once per record.

5.2 Handling Data Conversions

  • Converting to Pandas DataFrame: Many data science workflows rely on Pandas. However, be cautious:
    • Ensure that each partition’s size is manageable.
    • Explicitly specify column names and data types to avoid schema inference errors.
    • Consider using slicing techniques if partitions are very large.

5.3 Monitoring and Optimizing Performance

  • Repartitioning:

    If you notice severe imbalance in partition sizes (some partitions processing far more data), consider repartitioning. Note that while this can improve performance, repartitioning itself is a costly operation.

  • Spark UI:

    Always check the Spark UI (usually available at localhost:4040 during job execution) to monitor:

    • Task distribution across partitions.
    • Time spent in shuffling and data processing.
    • Memory utilization on executors.

6. Conclusion

The mapPartitions function in Spark RDDs is a powerful tool that provides finer control over how data is processed in batches. By applying functions to entire partitions:

  • You can optimize memory usage.
  • You can better integrate with batch-oriented operations such as machine learning model predictions.
  • You gain the flexibility to initialize resources once per partition.

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