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Study Notes: DE Zoomcamp 1.2.1 - Introduction to Docker


  • Topic: Introduction to Docker and its importance for data engineers.
  • Purpose: Learn the basics of Docker, including its use cases, advantages, and practical setup for data engineering tasks such as running databases and pipelines.

Key Concepts

  1. What is Docker?
    • A platform for delivering software in isolated environments called containers.
    • Containers ensure isolation and portability, making it easier to run applications without interfering with the host system or other containers.
  2. Why Docker for Data Engineers?
    • Reproducibility: Ensures consistent environments across different systems.
    • Local experiments and testing: Quickly set up and run tools like PostgreSQL without installing them on the host system.
    • Integration tests (CI/CD): Simulate real-world scenarios by connecting components like data pipelines and databases in isolated environments.
    • Cloud readiness: Docker images can be deployed to cloud environments (e.g., Kubernetes, AWS Batch) for scalable execution.

Practical Examples and Workflow

  1. Docker for Running PostgreSQL
    • A PostgreSQL database can run inside a container, eliminating the need to install it on the host system.
    • Multiple containers can run different database instances without conflicts.
    • Tools like pgAdmin can also run in containers for database management and SQL query execution.


  1. Data Pipelines in Docker
    • Example pipeline: A Python script that processes data from a CSV file, performs transformations using pandas, and outputs results to PostgreSQL.
    • Dependencies (Python version, libraries) are included in the container to ensure consistency.


  1. Isolation and Reproducibility
    • Containers can be reset to their original state after each use.
    • Docker images can be shared, ensuring the same environment is used regardless of the platform.


Key Docker Commands and Concepts

  1. Basic Commands
    • docker run [image-name]: Runs a container based on the specified image.
    • docker build -t [tag-name] .: Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile.
    • docker exec -it [container-id] bash: Access the container's terminal.
    • docker stop [container-id]: Stops a running container.
  2. Images and Containers
    • Image: A template containing instructions to create a container.
    • Container: A running instance of an image.
  3. Dockerfile
    • A file containing instructions to build a custom Docker image.
    • Common commands in Dockerfile:
      • FROM [base-image]: Specifies the base image (e.g., python:3.9).
      • RUN [command]: Executes commands (e.g., RUN pip install pandas).
      • ENTRYPOINT: Defines the default command executed when a container starts.
      • WORKDIR: Sets the working directory inside the container.

Practical Demonstrations

  1. Running a Container
    • Run a test image: docker run hello-world.
    • Run an Ubuntu image interactively: docker run -it ubuntu bash. it means interactive.
  2. Installing Python Dependencies in a Container
    • Start a Python container: docker run -it python:3.9 bash.
    • Install pandas: pip install pandas. To install python library in a docker container, use this command: docker run -it --entrypoint=bash python: 3.9 which will run the entry point inside bash to run pip install command.
    • Run Python commands within the container.
    • Note: Changes made in the container (e.g., installed packages) are lost after the container stops.
  3. Creating a Custom Docker Image

    • Example Dockerfile for a data pipeline:

      FROM python:3.9
      RUN pip install pandas
      WORKDIR /app
      COPY /app/
      ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

    Build the image from a Dockerfile: docker build -t pipeline-image .
    - -t = tag
    - pipeline-image = tag name
    - . = build the docker image in current directory
    - In the Docker command docker build -t test:pandas ., the colon : is used to tag the image being built. Specifically:
    - test is the name of the image.
    - pandas is the tag for that image.

    Tags are useful to differentiate between versions or variations of the same image. So, in this case, test:pandas might indicate a specific version of the test image that includes pandas (a Python library for data manipulation and analysis).

    The . at the end specifies the current directory as the build context, meaning Docker will use the contents of the current directory to build the image.

    Run the container: docker run pipeline-image.
    - docker run -it test:pandas 2025-01-27 let us runs the image at specified date.
    - docker run -it test:pandas 2025-01-27 param1 param2 let us runs the image at specified date with various parameters.

  4. Parameterizing the Pipeline

    • Pass arguments to the script using command-line parameters.
    • Example: docker run pipeline-image arg1 arg2.
    • Access parameters in Python using sys.argv.

Advantages of Docker

  1. Portability: Run the same container in local, cloud, or CI/CD environments.
  2. Consistency: Eliminates the "works on my machine" problem.
  3. Isolation: Prevents interference between different applications or services.
  4. Scalability: Easily deploy containers in distributed systems like Kubernetes.

Recommendations for Beginners

  1. Tools for Development:
    • Use Visual Studio Code or similar editors for editing files.
    • On Windows, use Git Bash or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for a Linux-like terminal experience.
  2. Learning Resources:
    • Experiment with basic Docker commands.
    • Practice building and running custom images.
    • Explore Docker Hub for prebuilt images.
    • Look into CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions for automation.

Next Steps

  • Apply Docker to run PostgreSQL and practice SQL.
  • Build and test data pipelines using Docker containers.
  • Explore deploying containers to cloud platforms for scalable execution.

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