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Prahlad Yeri
Prahlad Yeri

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What kind of books, novels or movies inspired you to be a better programmer?

I have asked this same question on this platform before, but then I realized this is one of those "Deja vu" kinda questions that never leave you, right! To reiterate, here are some of my favorites:

  1. Matrix movie (Inspires intrigue and problem solving)
  2. Iron Man movie (Inspires creativity, engineering)
  3. Digital Fortress by Dan Brown (Digital Inspiration)
  4. Books by Issac Asimov (Haven't read yet, but heard they're good?)
  5. Interstellar, Passenger movies (Inspires a sense of wonder)
  6. LOTR, HP (Pure entertainment and nostalgia!)
  7. Artemis Fowl (Inspires digital maneuvering and engineering)

What are some of your favorite books and movies?

Top comments (7)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I do love Iron Man. One of my favorite movies, and definitely inspirational for the making mindset.

prahladyeri profile image
Prahlad Yeri

Yep, Jarvis is perhaps the fictional world cousin of ChatGPT though I'm not sure which one came first!

shafayeat profile image
Shafayet Hossain

I love your list! The Matrix and Iron Man are such classics for sparking curiosity and creative thinking. For me, The Social Network hit hard—it really made me think about the potential of building something from nothing. When it comes to books, Clean Code was a game-changer for how I approach writing software. Neuromancer also blew my mind with its vision of the future of tech. And I can't forget The Imitation Game—that movie was pure inspiration for the power of coding!!

webbureaucrat profile image

+1 for The Social Network. Sorkin is no lover of big tech and it comes through, but he did a good job of capturing what devs like about themselves (even if he doesn't like it in them).

webbureaucrat profile image

The Imitation Game is a really good movie and I recommend it even if a little of the history is disputed.

Sneakers is a fun romp about some cryptanalysis software with some interesting commentary from its time about what the information age means ("It's not about the money anymore, Marty! It's about who controls the information!")

For nonfiction reading: A Female Genius: How Ada Lovelace, Lord Byron's Daughter, Started the Computer Age by James Essinger is absolutely a must-read. It really is stunning how much of the computer age she correctly predicted, and she died in 1852. Incredible mind.

I haven't finished The Phoenix Project yet, but I have started it and I have enjoyed it so far and it's a classic.

markwayne profile image

Hello ,
Great list! I’m inspired by The Matrix for problem-solving; Iron Man for creativity; & Digital Fortress for the tech intrigue.

marquitobb profile image
Marco Cobian

Yes I studied engineer for Antonio stark