When it comes to storing a value on the client-side persistently, most of us will prefer browser storage (local or session storage) because of its simplified APIs to store and retrieve data.
Yet maintaining these storages in large-scale applications are not so easy, especially with micro frontends architecture.
The hook @webcored/react-local-storage provides an awesome set of features to maintain the browser storage effortlessly for the long run.
Namespacing & Configurations
Unless it's documented, we don't know the storage keys being used in an application & we are not sure about the values of the keys as well.
Key name conflicts are more common in micro-frontends. An app should control its own set of keys and it should not override the common or other app's key. Hence, namespacing plays a major factor to avoid these conflicts.
import { storageConfig } from "@webcored/react-local-storage";
namespace: 'dev',
delimiter: '#',
If the key is user
, the storage key name is dev#user
other available storage configurations,
- storage: choose between local or session storage
- storages: key configurations
- react: instance for state management (useState hook)
import react from 'react';
import { user } from './storages/user';
import { storageConfig } from "@webcored/react-local-storage";
namespace: 'dev',
delimiter: '#',
storage: window.sessionStorage,
storages: {
user // user key configs
Defaults & States
The default state for keys in browser storage is the most required feature. It indulges a lot of programming effort to maintain the default state for every key.
In @webcored/react-local-storage each key can have its config, and the default states for keys can be incorporated easily.
import { storageKeyConfig } from "@webcored/react-local-storage"
const user = storageKeyConfig({
defaults: {
name: 'Guest',
email: 'guest@email.com'
The storages are simply accessible via the useLocalStorage
hook in a stateful way.
import { useLocalStorage } from "@webcored/react-local-storage";
const [user, userStorage] = useLocalStorage('user');
And the dispatcher comes with painless APIs to invoke the storage programmatically.
userStorage.update({ ...user, avatar: 'avatar.jpg' });
Reset the storage to the default state.
Versions & Migrations
Since the storages are persistent, changing its data structure quite often may be challenging, and it involves a lot of code changes per key. With @webcored/react-local-storage these data migrations can be simply handled with a version number & a migration callback in the key config.
import { storageKeyConfig } from "@webcored/react-local-storage"
const user = storageKeyConfig({
defaults: {
name: 'Guest',
email: 'guest@email.com',
avatar: 'guest.png' // new
version: 2,
migration: (currentValue, defaultValue) {
return Object.assign({}, ...currentValue, ...defaultValue);
@webcored/react-local-storage supports versioning of keys by default.
As per the above code block, the current version of user storage is incremented. While rendering, if the browser had an outdated version of storage, the migration method will be invoked. The migrated value will be considered as the latest version.
other highlights
- supports all data types
- typescript supported
checkout the sample apps
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A stateful react hook for browser storage
React Local Storage
A stateful react hook for browser storage.
npm install @webcored/react-local-storage
import { useLocalStorage } from "@webcored/react-local-storage";
const [user, userStorage] = useLocalStorage('user');
const [user, userStorage] = useLocalStorage<User>('user');
userStorage.update({ ...user, name: 'new name' });
Reset's to the default value provided in the key config
Sample app
import React from 'react';
import { user } from './storages/user';
import { storageConfig } from "@webcored/react-local-storage";
namespace: 'app',
delimiter: '/'
react: React
storages: {
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