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Prabhat Shrestha
Prabhat Shrestha

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Java Spring basic contents and components.

Java Spring Basic Contents

Java Spring is a comprehensive framework for building enterprise-level applications in Java. Below is a breakdown of its basic contents and components:

1. Core Concepts

  • Inversion of Control (IoC): This is the fundamental principle of Spring. It refers to the Spring container managing the lifecycle and configuration of beans (objects).
  • Dependency Injection (DI): A design pattern used to implement IoC. Spring automatically injects dependencies into beans rather than having beans create dependencies themselves.
  • Beans: Objects managed by the Spring IoC container. They are configured in XML files or annotated classes.

2. Spring Container

  • ApplicationContext: The main interface for accessing the Spring IoC container. It holds and manages beans and their lifecycle.
  • BeanFactory: The basic container in Spring that can be used for simple scenarios but is generally replaced by ApplicationContext for more advanced features.

3. Spring Modules

Spring framework is divided into several modules to address different concerns in application development:

  • Spring Core: Contains core features such as IoC and DI.
  • Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming): Adds aspects (cross-cutting concerns like logging or security) to Spring-based applications.
  • Spring Data: Provides data access frameworks, including JDBC and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) integration (e.g., Hibernate).
  • Spring Web: Supports web development (Servlet-based, Spring MVC, WebFlux, etc.).
  • Spring Web MVC: A model-view-controller framework for building web applications.
  • Spring Security: A powerful and customizable authentication and access control framework.
  • Spring Batch: A framework for batch processing and managing large-scale jobs.
  • Spring Boot: Simplifies application configuration and deployment, allowing for rapid application development with embedded servers.

4. Spring Boot

  • Auto-Configuration: Automatically configures the Spring application based on the libraries on the classpath, reducing the need for manual configuration.
  • Standalone Applications: Supports building stand-alone applications with embedded web servers (like Tomcat, Jetty).
  • Spring Initializr: A web-based tool to bootstrap new Spring Boot projects with dependencies and configurations.

5. Spring MVC

  • DispatcherServlet: The central servlet that routes HTTP requests to appropriate controllers.
  • Controllers: Handle HTTP requests and return appropriate responses.
  • Views: Represent the model (e.g., JSP, Thymeleaf).
  • Model: Represents the data structure passed between controllers and views.
  • Annotations:
    • @Controller: Marks a class as a Spring MVC controller.
    • @RequestMapping: Maps web requests to handler methods of MVC controllers.
    • @GetMapping, @PostMapping, etc.: Specialized annotations for different HTTP methods.

6. Spring Data

  • JPA (Java Persistence API): For object-relational mapping.
  • Spring Data Repositories: Provides convenient methods for data access and persistence management.
  • MongoDB, Redis, and other NoSQL Databases: Spring Data also supports integration with various databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and more.

7. Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming)

  • Aspect: A module that allows separation of cross-cutting concerns (e.g., logging, transaction management) from the main business logic.
  • Advice: The action to be taken at a specific point in the program (e.g., before or after method execution).
  • JoinPoint: A point in the execution flow where advice can be applied (e.g., method execution).
  • AspectJ: A popular framework for AOP that can be integrated with Spring.

8. Spring Security

  • Authentication: Identifying the user (login process).
  • Authorization: Granting or denying access based on roles and privileges.
  • CSRF Protection: Protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
  • OAuth2 and JWT: For modern security protocols, used in REST APIs.

9. Spring Testing

  • Spring TestContext Framework: Provides support for testing Spring components.
  • JUnit and Mockito: Commonly used testing frameworks in Spring.
  • @SpringBootTest: An annotation that simplifies integration testing in Spring Boot applications.

10. Spring Profiles

  • Profiles: Allow for different configurations for different environments (e.g., development, production).
  • @profile Annotation: Used to define beans that should be loaded based on the active profile.

11. Spring Integration

  • Message Queues: Integrates with messaging systems like JMS, Kafka, and RabbitMQ.
  • File Transfers: Integrates with file-based systems, including FTP, SFTP, and others.
  • Web Services: Supports SOAP and RESTful web services.

12. Spring Cloud

  • Microservices Support: Spring Cloud provides a set of tools for building cloud-native microservices, including configuration management, service discovery, and circuit breakers.
  • Spring Cloud Netflix: Integration with Netflix OSS components like Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix.
  • Spring Cloud Config: A central configuration server for distributed systems.


Spring is a versatile framework used in building robust, scalable, and maintainable Java applications. The basic components—IoC, DI, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot—are the foundation of any Spring-based project, but the framework’s ecosystem also offers deep integrations for everything from security to cloud-native application development.

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