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Pratyoos Panta
Pratyoos Panta

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Top 10 JavaScript Best Practices

Writing a clean code is a mere important thing to do in order to make debugging and documentation easy. Along with clean code, some basic mistakes should be avoided for better result. In JavaScript, there are some of the best practices, which if followed, give better code functionality and accurate results.

Javascript Clean Code

So here are some of the best practice that needs to be followed while learning to code in JavaScript. It could be benificial in many ways.

  1. Minimize the use of global variables: Global variables should not be prioritized while coding in JavaScript. Instead, local variables can be used in order for scope reduction and free-ing of memory. Global variables can be turned local using Closures.

  2. Declare JS objects with const: JavaScript objects should be declared by using const keyword rather than let in order to minimize data type errors.

  3. Declare arrays with const: In JavaScript, arrays should be declared by using const keyword rather than let in order to minimize data type errors.

  4. Give declarations at top of the code: Declaring all the variables and functions at the top of the code gives the code a cleaner look and also makes the developer easy to debug.

  5. Minimize the use of new keyword:
    Use "" instead of new String()
    Use 0 instead of new Number()
    Use false instead of new Boolean()
    Use {} instead of new Object()
    Use [] instead of new Array()
    Use function (){} instead of new Function()

  6. Use === instead of == as comparison operator: === should be used to compare value as well as data type. Using == compares only value and may change the data type.

  7. Always end switch cases with a default case: Always end your switch statements with a default case, even if you think there is no need for it.

  8. Check for automatic datatype conversions: A variable may change it's data type as JavaScript is a loosely-typed language. So, type of variables should be checked.

  9. Clear the confusion between Addition & Concatenation: Confusion may arise between addition and concatenation as both use the + operator. So, special care should be taken in order to reduce errors.

  10. Misplacing Semicolons: JavaScript, being a loosely-typed language doesn't necessary requires semicolon at EOL(end of line) but the misplacement of semicolon may arise numerous error in the code.

best practices to code in JS javascript

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