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Best Dacast Alternative For Video Creators

Flicknexs is the best dacast alternative that builds VOD and OTT platforms for video creators who want to run video streaming businesses with websites and applications. Flicknexs gives overall support to launch, run and grow your business. Dacast is a video streaming service that broadcast video on their existing website and applications.

Online video streaming is getting popular day by day. Businesses, schools, and other professional organizations are trying to scale up their growth by using video platforms to reach more people in a more convenient and effective way. So to start a professional-grade video streaming platform you must leverage the support of video platforms providers. Flicknexs that offers both live streaming and video on demand (VOD) hosting. This platform comes with advanced features and powerful functionality. Flicknexs is the right choice for any broadcaster with unique needs.In this article we will go through major difference between Dacast and flicknexs

Difference Between Flicknexs and Dacast

Dacast is just a video streaming service that embeds video into existing websites and applications. It hosts video, shares it with the audience and viewers can access it.
With Dacast you can

  • Embed video into the existing website
  • Host videos
  • Share video to social media platforms
  • Monetize videos

Flicknexs is a SaaS-based VOD and OTT platform provider that builds complete video streaming platforms from scratch for website, mobile and TV apps.
With Flicknexs you can

  • Build video streaming website
  • Create Ott Apps for both mobile and TV
  • Monetize videos with different models such as SVOD, AVOD and TVOD
  • Customize your website and video player
  • Organize video content using CMS

What Dacast does for video creators

They provide two important features: video hosting and monetization.
The first one is video hosting, where you host your video on the dacast platform then embed video into your website where users can access the video. The second one is video monetization, where you can set SVOD or TVOD model for managing payment methods.


What Flicknexs does for video creators

Flicknexs is a budget-friendly video solution that helps VOD Businesses from bottom to top. It builds, launches, helps in growth and markets your VOD business.
On the Flicknexs platform, you can

  • Build White label Video Streaming website

Developers build you a professional, well built VOD Website according to user needs where user company logo and brand are given more importance. There are customizable templates available where you can make adjustments to users' needs.

  • Create OTT apps for mobile and TV

Flicknexs helps in building OTT applications for mobile and TV apps with API and SDK support. So the user can access the video on any device like mobile or TV.

  • Monetize your videos

Flicknexs offers you a wide variety of options such as Subscription-based model,transactional-based model and advertisement based model
Flicknexs offers

  • 7-day free trial
  • Three subscription plans like basic, professional and enterprise
  • Coupons and promotional offers

  • Market your VOD platform

With marketing tools available with Flicknexs helps in reaching a broader audience and helps to convert viewers into paying audiences. With an inbuilt analytics tool, you can get the insights of your audience and create a marketing campaign to retarget your audience to convert it into paying customers.

  • Overall All in One video streaming platform provider


Flicknexs offers other essential features such as

  • It comes with HTML 5 Video player
  • Video transcoding so that video can be viewed on all devices
  • It also supports Audio and Live Video Streaming
  • CMS for clearly organizing the video content
  • Advanced security features such as DRM security
  • Watermarking
  • Customer support
  • API and SDK Support
  • Content Delivery Networks and Adaptive bitrate streaming for safe delivery of video content to end users without any lag or issues
  • Detailed analytics dashboard
  • Video monetization options- SVOD,AVOD,TVOD


  • Comes with affordable price
  • Suitable for all types of broadcasters
  • Unlimited number of users
  • Safe and secure platform
  • Easy to use


  • Till now there is no flaws in this platform to mention

Wrapping up

If you are a well-established business with a website and all you want is video streaming capability. In that case, you can choose Dacast, which helps monetize your video content and help grow your business. But suppose you are a business that wants to Build a VOD website, OTT application for Mobile and TV, monetize video with different options, and create video content for the library. In that case, Flicknexs is the best dacast alternative as it has built video streaming platforms for video creators in the past.

Top comments (16)

krithiga profile image
krithiga • Edited

You made some good points in this blog about differences between dacast and Flicknexs and also refer to Comparing the Top 10 best OTT Platform Providers for VOD and Live Streaming in 2021

praveene27295 profile image

Thank you @krithiga

krithiga profile image

For any business will it be a great idea for starting a video streaming business?

Thread Thread
praveene27295 profile image

Yes, it will really be very helpful in scaling up your business as Online video streaming is the future.

aryanraj profile image

Today, the VOD market is filled with many companies, each slightly different from one another Therefore, its difficult to select one, and Finally Good commparative article between Dacast and flicknexs

padmapriyam13 profile image
Padma Priya M • Edited

By reading this blog i came to know about new VOD platforms provider in the market Flicknexs.

praveene27295 profile image

Thank you i am happy that you found this blog very helpful

padmapriyam13 profile image
Padma Priya M

I want to know more about Flicknexs, I hope that will get in touch with you soon

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praveene27295 profile image

Yes I am glad that you will be reaching us and pls visit our website

arshi292 profile image
RAshmi 29

Good article about Dacast Alternative For VOD. I learned much concepts about flicknexs. Nice post.

arya00123 profile image

Hello praveen
Is there are any guarantee that the Video-on-demand industry is booming?

praveene27295 profile image

Statistics state that Video streaming industry is expected to cross $160B by 2024.

praveene27295 profile image

Thanks for your comment @hermoniversa and i will also read the blog you referred

praveene27295 profile image

Thank you @tweet2haribabu

sureshnathanael profile image
Suresh J Nathanael

Yeah! this is comparative Dacast vs Flicknexs