setting up my environment
I already had python installed on my PC and I use VS code virtual environment so I set up my django environment by typing the following commands on my console
1.pip install Django: This step downloads and installs Django in the VS code environment
2.pip install pipenv: It installs the "pipenv package which will be used to launch and build the application
3.pipenv shell: It sets up the folder in which the apps will be created
4.pipenv install Django:It installs and setsup Django in the created folder
Starting my first project
To start my project, I typed the command "Django-admin startproject camerapp" and this created a Folder "camerapp" which contained folders
and it also created a file called ""
I learnt that Django is divided into three parts which are view,models (MVT architecture) and templates which can each be manipulated by the files created when I used the Django-admin command.
Creating The application
To start the application's creation I typed the command "python startapp cammap". Cammap was the name of the application I aimed at creating and contained the following files
That was the last step in setting up my environment and creating the basic foundation of the project for my first weak.
I encountered no errors so far so the first week has been a success
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