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Prince Chouhan
Prince Chouhan

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Mastering UI Design Principles: Day 3 of My UI/UX Learning Journey

Day 3: Learning UI/UX Design

👋 Hello, Dev Community!

I'm Prince Chouhan, a B.Tech CSE student with a passion for UI/UX design. Today, I'm excited to share my learnings on UI Design Principles.

🗓️ Day 3 Topic: UI Design Principles

📚 Today's Learning Highlights:

  1. Concept Overview:
    UI design principles guide the creation of intuitive, visually appealing, and easy-to-use interfaces. They encompass concepts such as balance, contrast, alignment, hierarchy, consistency, simplicity, feedback, accessibility, usability, and emotional design.

  2. Key Takeaways:

  3. Balance: Achieve visual stability by distributing elements evenly.

    • Symmetrical balance: Equal weight on both sides of a central axis.
    • Asymmetrical balance: Unequal elements balanced by visual weight.
  4. Contrast: Enhances readability and hierarchy by highlighting differences.

    • Contrast in color, size, shape, and texture.
    • Use high contrast for important elements, low contrast for secondary ones.
  5. Alignment:** Create order and organization by aligning elements.

    • Align based on edges or a grid system for consistency.
    • Maintain alignment across different screen sizes for responsiveness.
  6. Tools & Resources:

    • Tool: Figma – Practiced creating balanced and aligned UI elements.
    • Resource: UI UX DESIGN COURSE
  7. Practical Application:

    • Analyzed a popular website's UI for examples of balance, contrast, and alignment.
    • Created a basic mockup in Figma focusing on these principles.

🚀 Future Learning Goals:
Next, I'll explore visual hierarchy, consistency, and simplicity in UI design.

📢 Community Engagement:

  • What are your favorite examples of well-balanced UI designs?
  • Any tips for achieving asymmetrical balance in design?

💬 Quote of the Day:
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." – Steve Jobs

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more updates as I continue my journey in UI/UX design.

UIUXDesign #LearningJourney #DesignThinking #PrinceChouhan

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