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Which Programming Language should I learn in 2020?

I know all the language becomes easy when we learn one. But to keep continue all of then it's too difficult. Because all the language has different functionalities and libraries.
So according to growth rate, resources I want to ask you SIR, which language should I continue in 2020?

Top comments (8)

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

Between the three you've mentioned in your hashtags, I think Python will be the most exciting over the next few years but all three are great choices for employment opportunities if you already have a preference.

protik profile image

Will you explain me why you think so?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I'm not an expert, so I may be wrong, but PHP is starting to be replaced in the backend world by newer tools like Python and Node.js. There are still a lot of opportunities in PHP and new code being written but long-term it's of an older generation of tool that I believe will eventually be replaced. Java is a great choice, it's a standard enterprise tool and always will be, so you really can't go wrong - it can do everything that PHP and Python do. It's not an "exciting" choice because it's mostly used by larger companies with large codebases, and development doesn't move quickly. Python has been growing and growing, faster and faster, and is starting to take over new domains like backend web programming and data analysis, and this trend seems likely to continue. It's also an opinion, but I personally prefer programming in Python to programming in Java, I think it's more fun to do.

Thread Thread
protik profile image

Great ❀❀

alexanderop profile image
Alexander Opalic


trungnemo profile image

What is good for Cross platform mobile app!? thanks

israelb profile image

It depends what you want to do.

protik profile image

Will you explain me some reasons why java is good for web development?