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Pratham Sharma
Pratham Sharma

Posted on

VimGore : an interactive game to learn vim

So I wanted to try MERN stack and thus started out with this idea of creating a game that will provide you with snippets of code which will be corrected by the user using vim mode. So this idea was enough to give me motivation to jump into the project state.


So below is the link to the app. It is not fully featured and I think that it is missing lot of stuff but will be happy to get a overall feedback.

If you have any issues then report in repo :)

For now this is vimgore

(also this was my first proper full-stack project)
Thanks For Reading 😁️
and keep up the hardwork 💪

Top comments (6)

joshcheek profile image
Josh Cheek

Pretty sure I got it, but it doesn't seem to recognize it:


Okay, I pressed some unnecessary additional keys and then it recognized it, however it counted my score as 1 instead of 2. Tried a second one and same thing, I solved it in 3, it acknowledged this on 4, and counted it as 1.

Anyway, cool project :thumbs-up:

ps173 profile image
Pratham Sharma

Okay seems I would have to fix lot of bugs now.. Still thanks for feedback. Much appreciated 🙂

olus2000 profile image
Alex Esoposting

It's cool to see vim fully emulated in browser, even including colon commands. It doesn't properly count all keystrokes, but it's a fun game to play, and if I try to cheat it I am only cheating myself after all. Good work!

ps173 profile image
Pratham Sharma

Yeah I know I am trying to fix that..
Thanks for feedback 🙂

lucidmach profile image
Nukala Suraj

cooool stuff, it'd be way more epic if it auto shows the next question

ps173 profile image
Pratham Sharma

Thank you.. I will keep in mind to add that