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Before I share my experience on my first hacktober fest. Let me just give a brief detail about what is hacktoberfest ?

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Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community. Whether youโ€™re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.

  1. Hacktoberfest is a celebration open to everyone in our global community.
  2. Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.
  3. You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.


To earn your Hacktoberfest tee or tree reward, you must register and make four valid pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 (in any time zone). PRs can be made to any public repo on GitHub, not only the ones with issues labeled Hacktoberfest. If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam or behavior not in line with the projectโ€™s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate. This year, the first 70,000 participants who successfully complete the challenge will be eligible to receive a prize.

you can also grab one , Do sign in :


Actually during my first year, I was not aware about this fest cause no one told me about this amazing fest. But during my second year, an open source community in our college had conducted a event hacknight-2020 that is where i got the brief idea about this amazing fest.

I couldnt attend the hacknight because of personal reasons , So i was really sad about it .But i always wanted myself to be open source contributor cause contributing for major projects can make you gain alot of knowledge and experience.

So i waited for another year, but due to covid reasons even this year we couldnt have the live interaction, but the event went through discord on Oct-3 to Oct-4 and there we had alot of fun . I named my team as XSpark and we pitched about our project idea for 1 min and we got amazing suggestion from the judges then we started working on our project and we successfully designed a website that is mainly useful for engineering students inorder to get H.W, notes ,project ideas, mentorship and we even added a discussion tab for students from different batches. We had completed the project but we couldnt upload it on devfolio cause our time was up !.Our team really felt bad ,but we didnt loose hope and we planned that we would come across more interesting project development for the upcoming year.

I completed my 4 PR successfully and i'm really happy about it.

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I had an wonderful experience by learning the importance of open source.
Thank you :)

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