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Authentication in Nuxt 3

Rafael Magalhaes on January 24, 2023

How to add authentication in nuxt 3 I've seen a few tutorials on this subject but most of them cover authentication with Supabase, Ampli...
alexbanicaululab profile image
Alex Banica

Thank you, i will try in my next project.

johnaiker_arias_a69574e8f profile image
Johnaiker Arias


othman_almahdy_e223458d6c profile image
othman almahdy

That saves my day Thanks Alot

sashakrav4 profile image
Sasha K

In a production mode(SSR: true):
After successful authorization I go to "About page", then reload the page in a browser and I stay authorized, but it shows me "Login page" on a short time, than push me to "Home page". I guess middleware doesn't have access to storage on the reloading time. Is there a way to change this behavior?

rafaelmagalhaes profile image
Rafael Magalhaes

You able to show me the code to have a look

sashakrav4 profile image
Sasha K

Basicly, it is a copy of Your code:

npm run dev - works fine, but if I do:
'npm run generate' and 'npx serve .output/public -l 5173'
then I see the issue

rafalolszewski94 profile image
Rafaล‚ Olszewski • Edited

Had the same issue.

That is because middleware/auth.ts is running per page, so if you go to different page which doesn't have this middleware - it won't set authenticated.value = true - thus you'll appear as non authenticated user.

Simple solution is to add middleware/ with contents

import { useAuthStore } from "~/store/auth";

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
  const { authenticated } = storeToRefs(useAuthStore()); // make authenticated state reactive
  const token = useCookie("token"); // get token from cookies

  if (token.value) {
    // check if value exists
    authenticated.value = true; // update the state to authenticated
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And technically, you could remove this piece of code from middleware/auth.ts - but haven't tested this yet.

 if (token.value) {
    // check if value exists
    authenticated.value = true; // update the state to authenticated
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sashakrav4 profile image
Sasha K

I have global middleware. It doesn't work in a production mode with SSR true. If I set SSR: false, it works

flaghrbs1004 profile image
HoGyun Lim

I also have this phenomenon. I successfully logged in through the API and received it normally, but the login screen appears again.

armandh profile image

I'm facing the same issue, have you found a way around this?


acaron profile image

Storing tokens in regular cookies is not recommended because they are sent with every request to the server, which increases security risks. Using a Set-Cookie header in an API response to store tokens is safer, as it allows setting HttpOnly and Secure flags. This way, the token is less exposed to JavaScript, which reduces the risk of XSS attacks, and can only be transmitted over HTTPS.

freetoplay profile image

I have a question for Nuxt 3. I am using a similar setup to yours, but when I use v-ifto check if user is auth, I run into rehydration issues because the client and server sees different data. The server see the login user, but the client does not. The big difference I see here and my setup is that you set the cookie in the store vs getting it set from the API. Do you know if there is a way to solve this without using ClientOnly?

tomislav_miletic_788ccfef profile image
Tomislav Miletic

Thank you, but i am missing something, i am following the tutorial. First i get this when i try to login
auth.ts:16 [nuxt] [useFetch] Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead. See

Then i change to $fetch but then when i try to login i get a bunch or errors.

Image description

Can somebody help please?

kellskamuzu profile image
Kelvin Chidothi

How about storing the users data without using vuex?

rafaelmagalhaes profile image
Rafael Magalhaes

You could set up a custom composable

ymir profile image
Amir H. Moayeri

Well Done ๐Ÿ‘Œ

flaghrbs1004 profile image
HoGyun Lim

Thanks to you, I completed it well. thank you

willsilvano profile image
Willian • Edited

Thanks! This is incredibly simple!

tomislav_miletic_788ccfef profile image
Tomislav Miletic

This is awesome, thank you ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ•บ