DEV Community

Raghwendra Sonu
Raghwendra Sonu

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All about Selenide

Selenide is an open-source automation testing library that provides a simplified and user-friendly API for automating web applications. It is built on top of Selenium WebDriver and aims to make test automation with Selenium more efficient and readable by reducing the complexity of code.

Here are some key features and characteristics of Selenide:

  1. Easy Setup: Selenide requires minimal configuration and setup. It automatically handles the WebDriver setup, eliminating the need for boilerplate code.

  2. Concise and Readable Syntax: Selenide offers a fluent and intuitive API, allowing testers to write concise and readable code for their automation scripts. It provides a range of methods for interacting with web elements, such as finding elements by CSS selectors, XPath, or text.

  3. Implicit Waits: Selenide automatically waits for elements to appear on the page, removing the need for explicit waits. It provides intelligent waiting strategies that make tests more stable and reliable.

  4. Built-in Assertions: Selenide includes a rich set of built-in assertions that can be used to validate the state of web elements, such as their visibility, text content, attributes, and more. This simplifies the process of verifying expected behavior in tests.

  5. Automatic Browser Management: Selenide handles the management of browser instances, including opening and closing the browser, switching between windows or frames, and handling pop-up dialogs.

  6. Screenshots and Video Recording: Selenide allows capturing screenshots and recording videos during test execution, which can be helpful for debugging and analyzing test failures.

  7. Integration with Test Frameworks: Selenide integrates smoothly with popular Java-based testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG, enabling seamless test execution and reporting.

  8. Support for BDD Frameworks: Selenide can be easily integrated with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) frameworks like Cucumber and JBehave, enabling a more business-readable and collaborative testing approach.

Selenide focuses on providing a developer-friendly experience for test automation, making it easier to write and maintain automated tests using Selenium. Its intuitive API, built-in waiting strategies, and streamlined setup process contribute to its popularity among automation testers.

To get started with Selenide, you can explore the official documentation and resources available on the project's website:

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