DEV Community

Rahber Hossain
Rahber Hossain

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Need some help for my project using React+GSAP Flip

Image descriptionI've been trying to recreate a CodePen project that I saw the other day. Here is the CodePen project that I am trying to replicate.
I've worked a lot and spent a long time perfecting this, but I am unable to achieve the same result. I suspect the issue might be related to the CSS in my project. Here is my project on StackBlitz.

I believe in learning by doing, so if there are some mistakes that seem obvious, please point them out. Additionally, if I have missed the mark at certain places, I'd appreciate any advice on how to correct it.

I want to achieve similar kind of result as the one seem in codepen. Onclick the the image and the container should always spawn at the left side of the screen.

Thank you for your help!

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