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Tauri(5)—— Tray Icon Implementation and Event Handling

This guide details the implementation of a tray icon in a Tauri application, including customizing the icon, creating menu items, and handling events. The steps also include dynamically switching the tray icon based on themes.


Add the required dependencies in src-tauri/Cargo.toml:

tauri = { version = "2.0.6", features = ["tray-icon", "image-png"] }
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Tray Icon Setup

Function: enable_tray

fn enable_tray(app: &mut tauri::App) {
    use tauri::{
        menu::{MenuBuilder, MenuItem},

    // Create menu items
    let quit_i = MenuItem::with_id(app, "quit", "Quit Coco", true, None::<&str>).unwrap();
    let settings_i = MenuItem::with_id(app, "settings", "Settings...", true, None::<&str>).unwrap();
    let open_i = MenuItem::with_id(app, "open", "Open Coco", true, None::<&str>).unwrap();
    let about_i = MenuItem::with_id(app, "about", "About Coco", true, None::<&str>).unwrap();
    let hide_i = MenuItem::with_id(app, "hide", "Hide Coco", true, None::<&str>).unwrap();

    // Build menu
    let menu = MenuBuilder::new(app)

    // Create tray icon
    let _tray = TrayIconBuilder::with_id("tray")
        .icon(Image::from_bytes(include_bytes!("../icons/light@2x.png")).expect("Failed to load icon"))
        .on_menu_event(|app, event| match {
            "open" => handle_open_coco(app),
            "hide" => handle_hide_coco(app),
            "about" => { let _ = app.emit("open_settings", "about"); },
            "settings" => { let _ = app.emit("open_settings", ""); },
            "quit" => app.exit(0),
            _ => println!("Unhandled menu item: {:?}",,
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Register Tray Function in run

#[cfg_attr(mobile, tauri::mobile_entry_point)]
pub fn run() {
    let mut ctx = tauri::generate_context!();

        .setup(|app| {
            enable_tray(app); // Register tray events
        .expect("Error while running Tauri application");
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Dynamically Switch Tray Icon

Rust Command: switch_tray_icon

fn switch_tray_icon(app: tauri::AppHandle, is_dark_mode: bool) {
    println!("is_dark_mode: {}", is_dark_mode);

    const DARK_ICON_PATH: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../icons/dark@2x.png");
    const LIGHT_ICON_PATH: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../icons/light@2x.png");

    // Determine icon based on theme
    let icon_path: &[u8] = if is_dark_mode {
    } else {

    // Fetch tray by ID
    if let Some(tray) = app.tray_by_id("tray") {
        if let Err(e) = tray.set_icon(Some(
                .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load icon from bytes: {}", e)),
        )) {
            eprintln!("Failed to set tray icon: {}", e);
    } else {
        eprintln!("Tray with ID 'tray' not found");
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Frontend Invocation

import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api";

async function switchTrayIcon(value: "dark" | "light") {
    try {
        await invoke("switch_tray_icon", { isDarkMode: value === "dark" });
    } catch (err) {
        console.error("Failed to switch tray icon:", err);
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  • Tray Icon Features: Create customizable tray icons with menus and handle user interactions.
  • Dynamic Theme Switching: Adjust tray icons dynamically to match light or dark themes.
  • Frontend Integration: Seamlessly invoke backend commands to manage tray features.

This setup ensures a polished user experience with a functional and dynamic tray in your Tauri application.

Open Source Project Sharing

Recently, I started developing a project based on Tauri, called Coco. The project is open source, and we’re actively improving it. Feel free to check it out and give it a star 🌟 if you find it helpful!

This is my first project with Tauri, and I’ve been learning and exploring along the way. I look forward to connecting with like-minded developers to exchange ideas and grow together!

Thank you so much for your support and attention!

Top comments (1)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Where does the tray icon end up on Linux? Presumably it uses appindicator in some way?