What is React?
- js library
- Bulid UI (User InterFace)
- SPA- Single Page Application
The History
- 2011 in FB
-2013 Open Source
How to setup React Environment ?
1 install node js
2 vs code
3 open terminal check the version node-v, npm -v
- VS Code ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets
- prettier
- React Developer Tool
vite comment
Commands used :
Install node js
node --v
npm -v
1 npm create vite@latest
2 create-vite my-project
3 Select a framework: » React
4 Select a variant: » JavaScript
cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev
npm create vite@latest or npm create vite@latest .
export default App;
import React from 'react'
const App = () => {
return (
export default App
import React, { Component } from 'react'
export class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default App
const App = () => {
const Pstyle = {
color: "black",
textAlign: "center",
marginTop: "20px",
backgroundColor: "green",
padding: "20px",
textTransform: "uppercase",
return (
textAlign: "center",
textTransform: "uppercase",
color: "red",
Main Component
<p style={Pstyle}>Let's learn React.js</p>\
export default App;
1. Basic Props Example
Props allow you to pass data from a parent component to a child component.
import React from 'react';
// Child Component
function Greeting(props) {
return <h1>Hello, {props.name}!</h1>;
// Parent Component
function App() {
return (
<Greeting name="John" />
<Greeting name="Emma" />
export default App;
2. Destructuring Props
You can destructure props for cleaner code.
function Greeting({ name }) {
return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>;
3. Props with Multiple Values
You can pass multiple values using props.
function UserCard(props) {
return (
<h2>Name: {props.name}</h2>
Default Props with Destructuring
When using destructuring in the function parameters, you can assign default values directly.
function Greeting({ name = 'Guest' }) {
return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>;
function App() {
return (
<Greeting /> {/* Default: 'Guest' */}
<Greeting name="Emma" /> {/* Uses 'Emma' */}
export default App;
const {
CompanyName = "Unknown",
details = "This is a company details",
// children,
} = props;
return (
{departments ? (
{departments.map((dept, index) => (
<li key={index}>{dept}</li>
) : (
<p>No departments available.</p>
<button onClick={oncompanyselect}>Select Company</button>
import React from 'react';
function App() {
const handleClick = () => {
alert("Button was clicked!");
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>
export default App;
Passing Arguments to onClick
You can pass arguments to the event handler using an arrow function or a function reference.
import React from 'react';
function App() {
const handleClick = (message) => {
return (
<button onClick={() => handleClick("Hello, React!")}>Click Me</button>
export default App;
onClick with State
You can use onClick to update a component's state.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const handleIncrement = () => {
setCount(count + 1);
return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button>
export default App;
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