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Ranjit Sidhu
Ranjit Sidhu

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AWS Autoscaling Group Service

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are doing good and safe at your home.

This is my first blog for cloud beginners, to share my AWS cloud services knowledge, in this blog where I will introduce you to a very interesting concept in AWS called AWS Auto Scaling Group.

I have created step by step approach for cloud learning beginners to clear your AWS autoscaling group service. In case you still get some queries don't hesitate to ping me.

Here is the link where you can follow step by step approach to create your own demonstration about AWS Autoscaling services.
In case you haven't still created your AWS free tier account, I have mentioned step by step approach for that as well.

Link -

This blog will help you get introduced you to below AWS services in the demonstration:
AWS Subnets
Routing tables
Security groups
AWS Internet Gateway
AWS Elastic IP address
AWS EC2 Instance
AWS Autoscaling group service
AWS Cloudwatch
AWS Load balancer

Auto Scaling Group contains a collection of Amazon EC2 instances that are treated as a logical grouping for the purposes of automatic scaling and management. Using health check replacements and scaling policies features will be used using the Auto Scaling group.

Core Functionality of the ASG:

· Maintaining the number of instances
· Automatic scaling

The size of an ASG depends on the number of instances that you set as the desired capacity while configuring the ASG and one can adjust its size to meet demand, either manually or by using automatic scaling policies.

So, in the process of configuring the autoscaling group, below are the high-level steps that will be followed:

  1. Login to AWS console

  2. Go to VPC, DemoAWS VPC, public subnet, internet gateway, routing and security groups are already in place.

  3. Creation of Linux instances with webserver installed in DemoAWS VPC and placed in Public subnet

  4. Creation of AMI

  5. Launch configuration

a. Collection of attribute values to be used for launching EC2 instances

  1. Autoscaling group

a. Define Launch configuration
b. Choose VPC and Subnet
c. Define group size (Desired, minimum, and maximum capacity)
d. Add notification - Creation of SNS Topic and Subscription
e. Create auto-scaling group

  1. Test desired capacity by terminating the instances

  2. Addition of Load balancer and target group

a. Testing of desired capacity while using Load Balancer and target group

  1. Introduction to CloudWatch Monitoring

  2. Creation of Scale in and Scale-Out Policy and CloudWatch Alarms

a. Creation of CloudWatch alarm for average CPU utilization greater than 70 for ASG
b. Creation of CloudWatch alarm for average CPU utilization less than 70 for ASG
c. Scale in policy testing

  1. Scale-out policy testing

a. Installation of stress tool and implying the stress on web servers
b. Testing of scale-out policy using stress tool

  1. Decommission of AWS Autoscaling group

a. Automatically drain the machines from target group
b. Deletion of load balancer
c. Termination of machines

Thanks for reading the blog. I hope you have enjoyed learning AWS autoscaling group service and understand automation.

In case you have any queries, dont hesitate to ping me.

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