DEV Community

Raphael Borges
Raphael Borges

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A custom action to deploy mdBook

What I built

I built a Github action for automating the deployment of a compiled book.

Category Submission:

DIY Deployments - DevOps & CI/CD

App Link


Screenshot of the Github Action


This Github action is designed to be triggered when a push occurs on the "main" branch of a repository. It performs a series of steps within a job named "build" on the latest version of the Ubuntu operating system.

The action utilizes a Docker container with the image "raphaelborges/mdbook:1.0.2" to compile a book located at the path "/github/workspace/book". It then executes a shell script named "".

The "" script creates a worktree, sets Git configuration, deletes and clears the "gh-pages" branch, copies files from specified directories, commits the changes, and pushes them to the "gh-pages" branch on the remote repository.

This action automates the process of compiling the book and deploying it to a designated location using custom settings, simplifying the workflow for users.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License

Background (What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

I built this Github action to automate the deployment of ebooks using customized configurations that better meet the needs of the projects I am involved in. The motivation behind creating this action was to streamline the process and eliminate manual steps required for ebook deployment.

How I built it (How did you utilize GitHub Actions or GitHub Codespaces? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

To build this Github action, I leveraged the power of GitHub Actions, which provides a flexible and robust platform for automating workflows. I utilized the "actions/checkout@v3" action to perform repository checkout and the "docker://" syntax to use a specific Docker container for compiling the book. The shell script, "," was developed to handle the file copying and Git operations required for deployment.

During the development process, I gained valuable experience in utilizing GitHub Actions to orchestrate CI/CD workflows. I learned about Docker integration within GitHub Actions, enabling seamless execution of tasks in isolated environments.

Additional Resources/Info

For more information about this project, please refer to the official repository at [].

Additionally, you can find examples of usage and implementation at the following links: [], [].

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