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10 Clean code examples (Javascript).

Ibeh Ubachukwu on January 17, 2021

1. Assigning a value to the same thing conditionally using ternary operators. ❌ a > b ? foo = 'apple' : foo = 'ball'; ✔️ foo...
jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Myself, I would call most of these "less code" examples, not necessarily "clean code". Imo, clean code is legible code. A lot of these examples require the developer more mental fatigue. Some of these I do, but others I definitely avoid, especially #10.

dasdaniel profile image
Daniel P 🇨🇦

A bunch of these seem more clever than clean.

I consider the #1 priority of the code to easily communicate what is happening.
consider these two examples

const a = foo.x, b = foo.y;

✔️ const { ['x']: a, ['y']: b } = foo;

I don't know if I'm "over-indexing" on my experience here, but I'd say the "incorrect" example is easier to comprehend.

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

The "incorrect" version is definitely less cognitive load. I also prefer individual const definitions as well for that extra level of legibility when scanning the code.

charleshimmer profile image
Charles Himmer • Edited

#4 could also be written much simpler like this:
const { x: a, y: b } = foo;

ishwarm81238332 profile image
Ishwar More

But there is no b. keys are different and value is same (here a).

const { ['x']: a, ['y']: a } = foo; will not be possible

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jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

It's re-assigning the value. ['y']: b assigns the value of y to b so you can now access it as b.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

I don't think #10 is all that bad. It's a bit confusing to figure out which variable gets assigned to the others, but that's easily figured out to be the right-most variable. Logically speaking, it does make sense: all those variables end up being equal to each other.

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

It's a bit confusing to figure out which variable gets assigned to the others

That’s exactly my point. It causes mental fatigue. If you have to stop and think about how something as simple as this is constructed then it reduces the legibility of the code. It’s not that hard to figure out, but it still isn’t absolutely clear and imo it’s unnecessary.

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mellen profile image
Matt Ellen

10 could be really bad in a language like c++ with operator overloading. But, yeah, the "incorrect" version is much clearer, regardless.

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dasdaniel profile image
Daniel P 🇨🇦

what about const [a, b, c] = [d, d, d]; ?

brent approves

weironiottan profile image
Christian Gabrielsson

Agreed with you, Code Readability should trump trying to shave off lines of code.

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

Thank you. I should probably work on my article title naming 😅

khangnd profile image

Considering all the feedback, I do believe this article should be renamed to avoid misleading to learners, seriously.

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redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

Nah..😄. I think the feedback will help people understand better what clean code is and isn't.

valeriavg profile image

When dealing with lots of zeros it's also possible to use underscore to separate ranks:

const num= 10_000_000;
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redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

Thanks. Finally a responsible dev community! 😄

valeriavg profile image

Haha, no worries!)

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

I meant to say responsive*. But I guess responsible works fine too. Autocorrect issues😤

e11y0t profile image
Elliot Wong

Woah didn't know this until now! This will defo help with code readability, thanks :)

wialy profile image
Alex Ilchenko • Edited


2 Instead of

a = { [c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar']: 'apple' };
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it's better to split it into couple lines

const key = c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar';
const a = { [key]: 'apple' };
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4 might be even cleaner

const { x: a, y: b } = foo;
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6 seems overcomplicated, maybe something like

const [a, b, c, d] = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].map(document.getElementById)
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7 questionable, I'd say if construction is easier to understand, especially for juniors joining the project

8 use ?? instead of || - that way you'll not override 0 value

9 less known JS feature - you may use underscore to divide long numbers

const a = 1_000_000;
console.log(a); // 1000000
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bonus just use a debugger or create an IDE snippet.

sergei profile image
Sergei Sarkisian • Edited

So, if initially a has several properties

let a = { foo: 'some', bar: 'example' };
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Then after

c > d ? = 'apple' : = 'apple';
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a will have same amount of properties.
But after

a = { [c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar']: 'apple' };
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It will hav only 1 property. It's not even the same!

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat • Edited

On looking deeper, I find that roughly half of these are plain wrong. It's not even a matter of opinion.

For number 2, this:

// BAD
c > d ? = 'apple' : = 'apple'
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assigns 'apple' to foo or bar depending on the values of c and d. It leaves the other keys of a alone.


// BAD
a = { [c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar']: 'apple' }
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reassigns a (which means it is not a const), wiping out all previous key-value pairs. It's also pretty unreadable. Both mutate a.

They are not equivalent.

Better would be to use the spread operator:

const key = c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar'
const b = {
  [key]: 'apple'
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Number 3 is just plain wrong. const must be assigned when it is declared, so the example cannot occur in real code. Smart code avoids let as much as possible, and if necessary strives to assign at the same time as it is declared. So an actual example would be more like:

// BAD
export const foo = 'some bit of text',
  bar = 'some more text',
  kip = 666
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This is difficult to read (worse if you try to do it on one line). So much cleaner to write:

export const foo = 'some bit of text'
export const bar = 'some more text'
export const kip = 666
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At a glance I can see exactly how many variables I've declared and assigned and that each is exported and each is not reassignable.

Shorter or terser is not the same thing as cleaner, more intuitive, or more readable. Sometimes duplication is better.

Number 4 is needlessly verbose and difficult to read. This:

// BAD
const { ['x']: a, ['y']: b } = foo
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Should be this:

const { x: a, y: b } = foo
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Number 5 is OK, but number 6 is pointlessly mutable. Why? Instead of this:

// BAD
const elements = {};
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].forEach(item => elements = { 
  [item]: document.getElementById(item) 
const { a, b, c, d } = elements;
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Do this:

const [a, b, c, d] =
  ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].map(id => document.getElementById(id))
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The variables are positional, so no reason their names have to match the IDs. You can make them better. You need better variable (and ID) names in general. These are terrible examples.

Number 7: instead of this:

// BAD
foo && doSomething()
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But the full if statement is more obviously a guard and more scannable. Don't make terseness the enemy of readability.

if (foo) {
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Number 8 is OK, but number 9 needs work. Who can read this?

// BAD
const SALARY = 15e7,
TAX = 15e6
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How many people can do the math in their head? Few, I bet. But use the underscore and both the magnitude and the difference in magnitudes become clear:

const SALARY = 150_000_000
const TAX = 15_000_000
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Re number 10, assigning the value of one variable to another is generally something to avoid as it's not clear what you're assigning (unless you've named the variables very well). But even if you're assigning, say, a string, it is better to stack them. This:

// BAD
a = b = c = 'some text
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Is easily missed and takes a moment to parse. And you probably have to keep reminding yourself that a, b, and c have the same value. (Why on Earth would you need 3 variables with identical values -- unless you're mutating them, which... just don't.)

Much better:

const duplicateA = 'some text'
const duplicateB = 'some text'
const duplicateC = 'some text'
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The bonus is half a good idea, and half a bad one. Instead of this:

// BAD
const { ['log']: c } = console
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Do this:

const log = console.log

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Now you know what it's doing.

I guess posts like this spur discussion, but for the unwary newbie they are strewn with land mines, doing them a disservice. So BEGINNERS BEWARE! Much of what you read online is written by people who haven't really done their homework. Don't let their mistakes be yours.

sergei profile image
Sergei Sarkisian

That's the first thing I noticed when saw the code. Great explanation.

andrewbridge profile image
Andrew Bridge • Edited

I think these are great easter eggs one might use for code golf. The fact Javascript can do these things is probably worthwhile knowing to be more comfortable with the language.

However most of these are trick shot one liners that I'd probably point out as being too fiddly if I saw them in a code review.

Snippet 2 took me long enough to understand what was going on that I'd probably just flag it without going any further to even check if the logic was correct. However the assignment within the ternary (the example of "wrong" code) is also the type of thing I'd consider overly complicated. A nice, clear if statement would've been fine.

Snippet 8 is another where I would far prefer to read the first, "wrong" example and would understand it straight away.

Snippet 6 has been mentioned several times, but the "correct" example is not only more complicated, but actually far less efficient. The "wrong" example does 4 simple assignments, the Javascript engine will be able to optimise these 4 lines really easily. Your "correct" code:

  • creates a new object
  • creates a new array object
  • iterates over that new array with a new function
  • spreads and reassigns the object every time into yet another new object
  • finally dumps the object, assigning the values to the local scope

The Javascript engine uses more CPU cycles running it and has to allocate more memory to store all that extra state, and even worse, the garbage collector now has a whole mess to clean up afterwards that doesn't get used ever again.

Just to balance things out, #7, #9 and your bonus tip are genuinely useful shortcuts, that make things easier to read and work with, and I use all three in everyday development. Great things to point out!

I think the main takeaway is that clever tricks are fun to work out and discover, but they're rarely better than the simplest possible code. Also "Clean code" !== shortest code. In fact, it's often better to have 5 lines instead of one if it makes it clearer what's going on. After all, if I want my code smaller and shorter, I'll put it through a minifier and an uglifier before I ship it to production, and let the computers deal with the one liners!

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

More knowledge! 🧠💪

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster • Edited

I think clean code is still a very debatable topic. To me, personally, clean code is code with improved readability or improved contextual information:


const g  = 9.81 // unclear
const GRAVITY_OF_EARTH = 9.81 // clear
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Same goes for preparing structures for commenting code:

hard to read

if (condition) {
  // long block comments about 
  // what this branch actually does
} else {
  // long block comments about 
  // what this branch actually does
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easier to read:

// long block comments about 
// what this branch actually does

if (condition) {

// long block comments about 
// what this branch actually does

else {
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yaireo profile image
Yair Even Or • Edited

Number 4...?! what is going on there.. it should be as follows:

var foo = {x:1, y:2}
var {x:a, y:b} = foo
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redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

I guess that works too! 😅

_genjudev profile image
Larson • Edited

Like it.

6 could be better by just creating the object directly. Its faster and better to read.

Also dont to 10. If u coding like that there is a good chance u get race conditions. Also by working with objects:

let a = b = c = {"a":"b"}
a.a = "p"

// { a: "p" }
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redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

Thanks! Learning never stops.

jivkojelev91 profile image

Everything is fine, except 6. There is no need to create a new object, new array, loop over them and so on, this is neither clean, neither fast.

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀 • Edited

Yup he had me sold on most, except 6 and 10. One note on 6 might be a good case, if you're looping through a known array, but for this specific example I don't think is worth the hassle.

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

Thanks!. It thought it would be helpful when you have to get alot of elements from the DOM. I guess its more of 'less' code than 'clean' code 😄

dogoku profile image
Theo • Edited

Hey Ibeh, just wanted to say that I respect the way you handle all the criticism. I imagine it must have taken a lot of courage to write your first article, so kudos to your for being open to criticism. It will only make you a better software engineer in the end.

Having said that, my 2 cents would be that some of your examples show a lack of understanding some of the fundamentals of the language, such as the difference between an expression and a statement. Finally as many pointed out, "clean" code and "short" code are not the same thing. My suggestion would be to spend a bit more time reading up on the language itself, as well as the well known "Clean Code" book by Robert C. Martin.

Stay safe.

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

😄 Thank you!

weironiottan profile image
Christian Gabrielsson

Full heartedly disagree with 7, not every developer knows JS specific code shortening syntax, but every developer knows an If statement, it honestly frustrates me when a developer goes out of their way to reduce code only for it to become less readable. Code readability trumps trying to reduce lines of code IMO

sirmoustache profile image

I think the lack of explanation for each case makes this kind of article harmful for new developers. Also adding an explanation will allow the author to double-check these tips.

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

I understand that but further research has to be made by a developer when getting information from any kind of article i.e if the developer truly wants to grow. This kind of article is just to get the gears going 😁 hence the lack of explanation.

sirmoustache profile image

Well, yes. But also it's the author's responsibility to explain what he is suggesting. If you claim something - you need to provide prooves fou your words.

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redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

It's good to leave room for imagination🌈🌠🌝

sergei profile image
Sergei Sarkisian

const { ['log']: c } = console;

Oh, wouldn't like to get this in any legacy project. It's easy to search console.log string and remove any instances from the code. And that's much harder to find the instances in the case that author suggests.

halbano profile image

Hey man, some of those are great (love the console.log shorthand), thanks for sharing.

I agree with some comments around the cleverness rather than the clearness of some of this examples.

I personally doubt about 7 too.
Despite I am familiar with the && operator, which I think pretty much everyone is familiar with when dealing with layout files (jsx, tsx), I prefer to go with the good old known friend if then -> doSomething();

In general when I write let's say business logic, I prefer to attach to the conditional semantics improved by the word if (and the block of course), which I think is also more legible.

Just a thought.


billbarnhill_32 profile image
=Bill.Barnhill • Edited

I agree with one of the other commenters, this is more about more concise code than it is clean code.

Some of these would not fly if I was doing the code review.

Particularly 6 (this is replacing 4 simple assignments by creating a number of intermediate objects, and the code takes more time to grok what's going on).

4 replaces the two assignments with more code, not less, and arguably little performance improvement.

2 is:
a = { [c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar']: 'apple' };
I'd put that into two lines:
const prop = c > d ? 'foo' : 'bar';
a[prop] = 'apple';

esolioz profile image
Eric Solioz

Hi Ibeh! I really like you post. Thank you for sharing it with us. As you see there are lots of people which has another point of view. It’s quite good to debate around what you suggested. Thank you and all the best.

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

You are welcome! 😄

shwetabh1 profile image
Shwetabh Shekhar • Edited

Firstly, loved your post.
I simply follow the KISS principle. I just try to keep things simple and extremely readable. Few of the examples are concise but not easily readable(interpretable). Nonetheless a very helpful post. Thank you for sharing!

itscasey profile image
Casey 💎 • Edited

Awesome job Ibeh! I'd say that these are pretty sweet, however, somewhat less legible in some cases like #7 and #10.

The bonus tip about debugging is also a cool take on it, however, if you're using an IDE with shortcuts this could be eliminated.

Number 9 is what makes my day, I hadn't even thought about that solution. So cool

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu


padje profile image
Peter dJ

My short review:
1 - good one, well known style across many languages
2 - For legibility, I'd define the object key in a separate line
3 - good one, well known style across many languages
4 - perhaps I'm not familiar enough with JS, but aren't these assignment happening in opposite order? Are we assigning a to a property of foo, or the other way around?
5 - these aren't equivalent... do we want a and b to be separate variables, or members of an array?
6 - I personally find the former more legible.
7 - Former is more legible, and consistent with other languages. Minor issue though.
8 - see 6
9 - see 6
10 - see 6


shubhambattoo profile image
Shubham Battoo

Most of the time clean code is simply "my code". Performance also takes the back seat lot of the times when trying to write "clean code" and lot of the times you have a take a hit on the readability too.

illusionelements profile image

8 is kind of wrong/outdated assuming foo is a bullish value of should be

bar(foo ?? 'apple', kip)

pris_stratton profile image
pris stratton

I think the first example in #10 is cleaner that the second!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

😄 Be sure to read the comments. There are alot of corrections and tips there

joraavanes profile image
Jora av

Yeah, I read. No worries... different type of writing a code always helps grow, even with flaws

alessioalex profile image
Alexandru Vlăduţu

Like other people have said, these examples look more like clever code rather than readable code. I value readability much more than cleverness.

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀 • Edited

Some of these are ok, but I am not entirely sold on #6, the one with the red X is actually cleaner to read. I would almost never do the clean code solution on #6.

idrisrampurawala profile image
Idris Rampurawala

Thanks for sharing this. I loved the bonus one though 😁

knth profile image

I'm taking those:

  • foo && doSomething();
  • bar(foo || 'apple', kip);


kvetoslavnovak profile image

Thank you!
BUT I was told by all my teachers:
"NEVER show incorrect examples to students or highlight possible mistakes!"
ALWAYS teach only correct examples.

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu

I'm not perfect 😄, No one is. I didn't intentionally make incorrect examples. That's why this is a community for learning and why there is a comment section. I can be corrected. A student that truly wants to learn and grow would research further after getting information from anywhere.

ouzsrcm profile image

thanks a lot!

redbossrabbit profile image
Ibeh Ubachukwu • Edited

You are welcome. Just be sure to read the comments. There are alot of helpful tips and corrections there 😄👍

shumito profile image
Carlos Alarcon B

Sorry...I disagree with many of them..

enriqueedelberto profile image
Edelberto Enrique Reyes

Thanks. Your examples are really interesting

ogaga_io profile image
Esavwede Ogagaoghene Emmanuel
