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Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

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Contributed to and you can too!

I just wanted to say that if you are thinking about contributing to OSS. DEV is a great place to get started. Their installation documentation is great and I had little to no issues spinning up a local environment.

Links that will get you started

After installation the docs that helped me get my first PR up

The installation for MacOS was pretty straight forward and these are all of the links I used to get my first PR up. There is much more documentation to read through, but I will leave those up to you to read :).

Steps to first PR

  • Reviewed the Github repo
  • Read through the contributing documents
  • Installed prereqs for MacOS
  • Went through the 'Getting Started' section
  • Looked for a difficulty: easy issue
  • Claimed it in the comments
  • Spun up the local environment and got to hacking.
  • Cleaned up my commits and created a PR
  • Waited for reviews
  • Got approval and my PR was merged :D
  • Got sweet badge for my profile

So don't delay get out there and contribute some code!

Top comments (13)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

And let's all remember that contributions to are contributions to forem!


wulymammoth profile image

I didn't realize it was OSS! Nice and thanks for sharing this!

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

Yeah! Definitely check it out and get your contributing badge :D

wulymammoth profile image

And turn myself into a honey (badge)r? Nah. I kid. Poked around issues. Some day or when/if I find a bug that annoys the crap outta me. Currently swamped with personal projects and work, but still waste time perusing 😅

Thread Thread
rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

Haha, yah same. Sometimes it's nice to get away from the same old same old.

dzhavat profile image
Dzhavat Ushev

It's great to see DEV doing so many nice things to encourage and support contributions. Really like the developer guide for how to setup a local env and the use of labels on issues.

I wrote earlier this week how many popular OOS lack this kind of care when it comes to new contributors. Happy to see that DEV is actively doing something to NOT be one of them.

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

Great article! Yeah, I think it's harder to contribute to more established OSS for a couple of reasons: the number of contributors and the product is more stable. I tend to stick to OSS repos that are similar to DEV in size.

kvanrooyen profile image
Keagan Van Rooyen

I'm going to have a look through some issues tonight, got to get that badge😂

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

Do it! :D

bhatvikrant profile image
Vikrant Bhat

Hey, thanks for the heads up!

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

No problem!

akdeberg profile image
Anik Khan

I was thinking about contributing OSS. And you just show me a wonderful direction. Awesome man! Solid article.👍🏼 #kudos

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

That's what's up! Definitely check it out. There are some good first-time contributor issues in there. 👏 🙌