DEV Community

Boneless: a CLI to create your apps with Go

renanbastos93 on June 28, 2023

Boneless is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features to facilitate application development. In this blog post, we will explore some ess...
ebourgess profile image
Elias Bourgess

One of the main reasons I didn't use Golang for development projects was because of having to add all these dependencies manually. Thank you for creating and sharing this tool, this will come really helpful for me later on.

ewaldhorn profile image

That's interesting. The main reason I love Go is because I have complete control over dependencies, as they vary per project.

It's always so neat to see different perspectives. If I may ask, what did you end up using instead of Go?

ebourgess profile image
Elias Bourgess

I mainly looked for Typescript due to the ease of it. Or if I was to build something big I used to use Symfony (the PHP framework).

These days I barely do any big projects due to focusing more on Ansible automation in my day to day work, and not having any energy to do personal projects outside of working hours.

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ewaldhorn profile image

Ah I see. I hope you get some time to do fun personal projects again!

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renanbastos93 profile image

Nice, interesting man. Well, What did you think about Boneless? I will be happy to know

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ewaldhorn profile image

It looks interesting, I haven't had time to play with it yet, I have too many side projects already!!

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renanbastos93 profile image

of course, no worries dude. Well, when you test it share your opinion, open issues, etc. Thanks.

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ewaldhorn profile image

Will do!

renanbastos93 profile image

Currently, I primarily use Go with minimal dependencies to create projects from scratch. I believe in continuously improving my projects with small, incremental changes. However, I'm interested in providing more flexibility for others to choose their preferred dependencies.

If you're interested in contributing or suggesting changes, I encourage you to either reach out to me directly or open an issue on GitHub. I appreciate collaborative input and value the opportunity to enhance the project based on the needs and perspectives of the community. Your contributions and feedback are always welcome."

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ewaldhorn profile image

Awesome, I'll keep that in mind!

renanbastos93 profile image

Thank you for your message! I completely understand your concern about managing dependencies in Golang. It can be a time-consuming task. I'm glad to hear that you found the tool I created helpful. I appreciate your kind words, and I'm confident it will make your future development projects much easier. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to let me know

gerimate profile image
Geri Máté

Looks amazing, congrats!

renanbastos93 profile image

Thank you so much! If you have any questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to reach out.

guipassos profile image
Guilherme C. Passos

Great Job my friend!
This CLI is exceptionally, functional and user-friendly!

renanbastos93 profile image

Thank you so much! I'm glad you think so. I put a lot of effort into making this CLI exceptionally functional and user-friendly, so it's great to hear that you appreciate it. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

ewaldhorn profile image

This is a neat tool, I can see it being of benefit, especially to new Go developers, but also for older hands who just want to get the config done and get coding already.

Nicely done!

renanbastos93 profile image

Awesome, thanks for you feedback.

k1lgor profile image

Is this boneless similar to cobra

renanbastos93 profile image

Why do you think about that?

k1lgor profile image

answering with queston, nice..

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renanbastos93 profile image

I am sorry dude. I did a mistake with you.
Well, Boneless and Cobra are not the same. Boneless is a CLI tool with the goal of facilitating the creation of web applications. It is often used in conjunction with other technologies like Service Weaver, Go Migrate, SQLC, and Fiber. Boneless provides functionality specific to web application development.

On the other hand, Cobra is a CLI library in the Go programming language that helps create other CLI tools. It provides a framework for building powerful and flexible command-line interfaces with features such as command hierarchies and flags. Cobra is focused on enabling the development of general-purpose CLI applications.

So, while both Boneless and Cobra are CLI-related tools, they have different purposes and functionalities. Boneless is geared towards web application development, while Cobra is a library for creating various types of CLI tools.