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Cover image for A beginner’s journey into software development in Nigeria.

A beginner’s journey into software development in Nigeria.

Opeyemi Stephen on April 29, 2021

No one really writes about the pain involved in learning to code in Nigeria and I don’t know why. First of all, peep the the cover picture on this...
tracycod3r profile image
Tracy Nuwagaba

All the above happens in Uganda, however on top of that we pay taxes for the internet. If you don't pay internet tax which is going to be increased soon, no internet services 🤦‍♀️.

It takes God's grace to be an African youth.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Let’s not even get started on the fact that as soon as you make it either on or off the shores of the country, the government comes with pomp and pageantry to say “that’s a product of our nation”

I think it’s very ridiculous to pay internet taxes and worse of all they still want to increase it?!!

garrett profile image
Garrett / G66

I know Hackers for Charity is trying to help's definitely a struggle.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Yes they are. There are a host of other people trying to help too but in a country that has over 100 million unemployed youths, the change is not very visible. We can only keep trying Garrett. The African youth wants to thrive but there’s a lot of limitations.

ssenoga profile image

I hear you tracy.. It sucks to be an african youth in countries like uganda

brandonwallace profile image
brandon_wallace • Edited

For those that do not know earning 2000 Naira per day is about $5 dollars US.

2,000.00 Nigerian Nairas =

5.25 US Dollars

@resourcefulmind I hope that people in Nigeria know about . That is a great place to learn a great deal about development without the charge of a bootcamp.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

That’s usually one of the first places we start learning from. I am certain Freecodecamp plays a great role in the growth of every young Nigerian developer.

horlamide_jay profile image
Jubril Olamide

That very true. But we still need the internet to access this free resource freecodecamp.

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ribab profile image
Richard Barella Jr.

not necessarily. the entirity of freecodecamp is opensource. I haven't tried to do this, but I believe you can clone the entire repo and host it yourself.

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ribab profile image
Richard Barella Jr.
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horlamide_jay profile image
Jubril Olamide

Wow I never knew about this. Thanks @richard Barella Jr.

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ribab profile image
Richard Barella Jr.

I set this up on my own laptop and made an article on how to do so

realsammy profile image

Freecodecamp is actually not free in Nigeria, you need to buy power and data to access the resource.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

I can totally resonate. I’ll send some openings your way and if you want I could teach you how to optimize your LinkedIn too

mzkenna profile image

Hello Opeyemi , so well written and here we are with our minds made up we will keep fighting till it is bright and we reach our goal, yes we are Spartans..... I'd like to learn how to optimize my LinkedIn pleaae

dammyreginal profile image

Yes, I will apappreciate

kwennb profile image

Thank you for putting this out there. I sincerely hope that we that are grooming ourselves now, would scale through faster, so we can help newbies who cannot really assist themselves (Financially and otherwise).

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

That’s one of my long-term goals. I want to make sure all we have to do is look for talent. They won’t have to worry about other factors like having electricity or buying data and other things which slowly but surely messes up the mind.

It’s a collective effort though and one person cannot do it all but we can start by touching lives in our own little spaces.

kwennb profile image

Yes we can.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
brainiacm profile image

Sir, kindly refrain from posting your contact details publically. It can be used against you.

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kwennb profile image

Hey segun. Text me on the slack channel. Sorry for replying this late.
And please remove your contact details here
It’s not too safe.

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segunbol profile image

Great... But I don't know the slack channel. How do. I go about that

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segunbol profile image

Thank You..

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kwennb profile image

Add me on Twitter

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segunbol profile image

Did that already, Extramortal_segs

beitist profile image
Sebastian Stüwe

Very good of you to bring this up, Stephen. Please share your successes and challenges more frequently to make people aware!

I lived and worked in Liberia for the last ten years, and I know your struggle first-hand.

Setting up charities is one thing, but I doubt the impact can reach 100 Million Nigerian youth (or West African youth - even more!). Each one help one is a beginning we all can achieve, and then take it from there.

Technologically: try to get hands on a solar panel. Laptops don't consume much. Could be worth the investment. I can help you calculate the right size.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

I really appreciate your kind words. Maybe we can put this into practice. I’m already thinking dev spaces. I’m only but one person but a space powered by solar panels with access to the internet where developers can always come to learn and build stuff looks exciting to me. Now if we have one of such spaces in every town, it could harmonize local developers too. Just a thought in my head

beitist profile image
Sebastian Stüwe

Let's get in touch about brainstorming ideas! After 10+ years in the NGO-world, I am less a believer in anything free than I was before - but I could imagine combining coder-spaces with some for-profit projects, (free?) classes and maybe a Rachel-pi-like edition of FCC (provided they won't mind) could be something that would work, be resourceful and focused.

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resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

I’m open to this. My Twitter is attached to my profile. You can always send me a DM and then we can build a viable plan

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beitist profile image
Sebastian Stüwe

I'll do so tomorrow morning!

justicekazzy profile image

I think there's a place like this in Asaba. My sister traveled there sometime in 2019 and she found a space that welcomed programmers and developers.
It was more of a hub where you could sit and charge your devices. Also they had free Wi-Fi which when coupled with the serene environment, made her never want to leave.
Environments like these are hard to come by in Nigeria. A space to learn with some basic amenities provided.
No one would grow from there and not want to give back in the long run.

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tijani0826 profile image
Tijani Ibrahim

That's if they don't start calling it yahoo boys spot. And then one day the police will come parading them or worse put them in cell for offenses the didn't commit

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justicekazzy profile image

Honestly, I can picture that happening.

colinchidiogo profile image
Colin Chidiogo • Edited

Reading this nearly made me shed tears, because it's what I'm suffering right now, trying to learn to code.
I have about 11 apps to develop, most of them is aimed at fighting poverty, as it's what I've been in all my life.

Around September 2019, I was wondering what one thing to do to improve my life drastically, when a tiny small voice said "LEARN CODING!".

I checked up coding and found out it's what I love doing as I'm very crazy about tech, which also has great potentials for me. In fact, I already have 3 apps ideas then, but I never thought about developing or coding them.

I kept them thinking "if I get rich(which I don't think I will), I will get some Indians to develop them for me".

But after hearing that intuition, I decided to get into software development.

Then comes the challenges. No one in my family believes in my dreams, they call my pursuit, stupid, being lazy, sitting in the village and building useless castles in the air.

Rich men(mostly traders) here in Anambra, I've gone to for support think I'm wasting time, deceiving myself, chasing this white men childish nonsense that is far bigger than me.

The struggle is real and horrible.

I don't know where to get ₦400,000 I need to get;

  1. A table.
  2. A 1KVA Solar Gen
  3. A laptop
  4. A tablet (to study my ebooks)

I have been trying to save it up since 2019 but I have not reached anywhere.

My little phone accessories trading business, I started after 11years of job search and got nothing, can only just feed me.

Everyday time passes and I sit here looking at my app UI designs, I did on my phone and shake my head.

I use to code on my note book while reading ebooks on my phone but it's so cumbersome and tiring, that I got feed up. That's where I got familiar with HTML and CSS.

I have begged so much for support on Twitter but no one gives a fuck. No one cares. I don't blame them, everyone is passing through hell fire in here.

In my area we see power 3 times a month, once overnight, others maybe 1 hour during the day, that's all.

I'm almost 45yrs, my eyesight is gradually failing me just as my enthusiasm is gradually weaning.

The worst is that a new Intel Celeron (I'm not sure Celeron is powerful enough for coding) laptop is around ₦200,000, thanks to our very weakened useless naira.

I wish I wasn't born into this country(Jungle). I wish I was born in USA. Those guys are lucky, I watch their YouTube videos, see their fancy Coding Setups and salivate.

Those guys are really very lucky, but quick to tell us there's nothing like luck, that's it's all hard work. Nonsense!

If they come to Nigeria and see real hard work will they talk?

Imagine sitting on a bench, with your legs itching of mosquitoes bites, trying to force yourself to study, struggling to figure out the concepts and learn coding, in hot humid very uncomfortable tropical weather(heat), with sweat trickling down your face and every few seconds, a mosquito would buzz pass your ears.

Men, the struggle is fucking real. I'm in it right now. "NO RETREAT NO SURRENDER"! I MUST GET IT OR I DIE TRYING!

But not everyone in Nigeria is passing through hell trying to get into software development. Some are lucky and got great supports from their well to do families and friends or from their jobs. Unfortunately, I'm not such.

But we keep pushing.


You can reach me on Twitter @colinchidiogo .

Thanks. Remain blessed y'all.

rishitkhandelwal profile image
Rishit Khandelwal

Now after reading all this, I feel extremely grateful for whatever I have available. I can't imagine my day without accessing the internet or using electricity. I hope the best happens for you. 😀

colinchidiogo profile image
Colin Chidiogo

Feel grateful! Feel very grateful! Because you people are very lucky.

But we keep pushing, till death.

We ain't got no options.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

We sure hoped so too. Realistically, we know it won’t with the present crop of leaders. It’s left to us to succeed and bring others forth.

tijani0826 profile image
Tijani Ibrahim

Me I am cut up between trying to feed my family, do some coding. Then I ventured into teaching, ah, I am already tired.

colinchidiogo profile image
Colin Chidiogo

Hold on bro! Keep moving! No matter how small! We ain't got no where else to go.

leoloopy profile image

This is a very short and detailed story of the newbie dev journey here in Nigeria which is really disheartening. The environment is set up to make you fail in whatever endeavors you want to do, still you find determined individual scale through all the hurdles. But in the process of finding the ropes, the issue of data and power is the two biggest hurdle you will face. I started this journey 2020 immediately after I finished my degree last year, it has been frustrating but the "why" is the only energy pushing me not to give up. One of the way I was able to overcome the data challenge was by downloading PDF books. After each chapter, I practice all the syntax and solve the exercise on my PC then I move to the next chapter, bit by bit you'll gain more than you can imagine. PDF books are free and reduces the money you'll spend on data for watching YouTube videos or online courses. I've read about four different textbooks on JavaScript alone which has really helped me along the way. In reading those big books and absorbing at least 70% of the information, it means you've already established for yourself a solid foundation which will help you to grab the application of some syntax when watching YouTube videos or other online courses. For the power, I was lucky to have a system that can hold 5 hours battery power when fully charged, so I practice on it everyday for at least 4 hours, which so far has been so fruitful. Then after I've read all what is to be read. I only need constant practise, with the help of vidmate I will download those YouTube videos so I can watch anytime I feel like going back to it. Fortunately for me, I am a graphic designer, so I have the skills to earn some extra cash, which I later used to sort out some bills. In all, we just have to find a way, that's the Nigerian spirit...the government are not ready to do nothing, they're only interested in your milestone achievement, the shameless idiot will call you for pictures after you've arrived. And that does not mean they won't later enact policies to frustrate new tech start-ups. Coding is hard, but the Nigeria government will make it an hellish journey. Stupid set of old fools.

james_palermo_bc208e463e4 profile image
James Palermo

What is the freedom of speech situation like on the ground in Nigeria? Are you guys able to try to organize and combine your voices, maybe reach out to some foreign education NGO'S? Is that risky for ya'll? I'm curious about how trying to set up a charity that supplies chromebooks or something to students would be in Nigeria.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

I don’t know how to answer this. Let me put it this way, there is freedom of speech, however, freedom AFTER speech is what isn’t guaranteed over here.

I’ll implore your to do some research about the protests led by the youth back in October 2020. We made our voices heard but look how that turned out? It just might send chills down your spine.

In fairness, a lot of senior developers here in Nigeria and all around Africa are organizing programs and boot camps so there’s that. As for setting up the charity, I am open to working with you on that and setting up a team to make this happen! It would mean a lot.

How soon can we start making this idea a reality?

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

And ohhh yeah, there’s someone who has been doing this for a few years on Twitter now, you can find his handle @hacksultan . He knows about things like aiding aspiring developers with laptops and even has a programme called DevCareers and Laptop for Developers

oyindamolatomo2 profile image
Oyindamola Tomoye

Very apt description. Its like I am reading about myself. Been learning to code for data science for nearly 6 months now. Progress has been slow because I'm unemployed and have no access to constant electricity or funds for the internet.

Really, the govt can do better in this country

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

You know the truth Oyindamola...the government are not bothered. They only come to claim you when you are “blown”...from Anthony Joshua to Israel Adesanya to Kamaru Usman to Blessing Okagbare...the list is endless and I’m only talking sports ooo. We all just have to find a way. And you know we will because we are fighters.

alohacodes profile image

The issue of having access to the internet and constant electricity is the major issue. I don't think of how much I spend on data anymore! I just wanna learn and move up the ladder!
Thank you Opeyemi for touching that topic nobody wants to talk about.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

You’re welcome anytime. I hope things change for the better though.

leob profile image

Incredible ... you often see people talking about struggles or challenges, but these are REAL struggles and challenges, you could almost say physical ones ... requires an extraordinary amount of grit, perseverance and resilience in order to not give up and push through!

chie7tain profile image
Ifeanyi Fredrick Okwuobi

Omoooooo you have not suffered until you try to become a software engineer in Nigeria,

  1. family members look at you as though there are evil spirits disturbing you and preventing you from leaving that your wicked computer to go and look for real work,

  2. You spend every penny on data, you don't buy new clothes, you don't drink beer you don't spend money on anything that would not help you become a better Engineer, every 2 - 3 weeks your data is almost finished and you are scheming and plotting how to get money to buy data again.

  3. Some of your former friends think you are wasting your life and they make snide comments and look at you like that person that soon end up a failure.

  4. Almost every morning you hear on Twitter a new success story of a Nigerian that has now made it and got a job in a shiny Tech company and they are super excited to Share with everyone.

  5. Just forget about NEPA/ PHCN power supply that's how you learn time management, you wake at night to use the electricity because you don't know if tomorrow you'd wake up to no electricity again and that your plan of completing Data structure and Algorithms on FreeCodeCamp has to be adjusted again.

  6. What of depression ? What of anxiety ? what of pressure to show that you are not useless, that you maybe you are smart and things are just almost impossible.

  7. But omoooooo we continue to struggle, continue to improve and continue to become better inspire of mad odds.

thebookie_six9 profile image

Mehn dude do you live in my house... Been surviving mainly with night plan and offline site
. And about Nigerians breaking through on Twitter I always look forward to those stories that my daily/monthly sip of motivation @resourcefulmind great ND well detailed article by the way

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

The struggle is real. I’m thinking of an idea tho...coders on this thread and other threads can gather together and pool resources for electricity and data...that sort of thing. Stay strong brother, we shall overcome

chie7tain profile image
Ifeanyi Fredrick Okwuobi

That would be nice ...

tawaliou profile image

May God help you and Nigeria Dev. I think that my situation at Benin is nothing compare to what you're living. I don't so have a reason to discourage.
Try to be strong, archive you goal and perhaps help next generation on newbies of Nigeria.

manuelbalogun profile image
Ayodeji Balogun

Just curious, how are the electricity and internet situations in Benin Republic? Thanks.

tawaliou profile image

With the new government, the access to electricity is easy and less expensive, even of we have often some interruption in a year. For the network it is not so good, expensive and not good in some area . But with friends we buy data for months so we can use to learn online easily.

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manuelbalogun profile image
Ayodeji Balogun

Sounds like progress! 💙

tominekan profile image
Tomi Adenekan

I am also Nigerian. I moved to America and started getting into coding. The "Up NEPA" situation must make consistent coding a huge pain. I feel for you 😬.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Lucky you Tomi...good thing you got out when we could talk about “Up NEPA”

Now, NEPA no even Dey to shout time I was in a bootcamp and we had three assignments, managed to do two...the last one was dropped at night and I couldn’t go out to charge

I ended up being unable to submit and it turned out that I was unable to make it to the next stage because of 1 Mark which I would have gotten if there had been light to do the assignment.

tominekan profile image
Tomi Adenekan

That's so painful, ouch 😥.

abbeymaniak profile image
Abiodun Paul Ogunnaike

I couldn't help but read through when I saw Nigeria in the title. Nice write up, I studied accounting and now I do if & else 😂. It's really hard being a software developer in this country. To make things worst some employers will offer shitty money to Developers, it's all not helping and encouraging. Imagine went for full stack interview and their last offer was 100k 😂 while transportation alone is over 40k for the month. Only God can help us. Nice piece

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Full stack for 100k?!!!

Mehn that’s a new low...these are the same people that want to pay graphic designers 3k for big jobs so I’m not surprised

danoseun profile image
'Seun Somefun

I read through all the comments. This was the article I wish I wrote when I started out because everything in here even with the unwritten ones are totally relatable. However, I try as much as possible to bring everyone around me up by helping via knowledge sharing and other means as well. A wonderful piece from the heart and kudos bro! Kudos to all wishing to help as well in the comments section and kudos to those that are still learning and trying to come up. Hope you keep pushing through irrespective of the odds and never give up because you will be celebrated soon!

piaomu profile image
Kasey Wahl

Man, what a read.

What does the developer market look like in Nigeria? I have a better appreciation for the pains you have to go through to practice, but when it comes to hiring, what kinds of challenges have you encountered?

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

The developer market in’s huge. Our fintech industry has got all these recent restrictions and regulations from the Central Bank but still giant strides are being taken. Paystack, Flutterwave, BuyCoins Africa, PiggyVest are but a few examples.

As for hiring, it’s a tight space...most developers are looking for remote jobs because the pay is no longer really commensurate to the magnitude of workload you have to handle.

seunoyeniyi profile image

Thanks for this post.... Like seriously I'm always angry about myself, Everytime I remember the time I decided to be a software engineer in Nigeria.

What pain me most is the family... They always think you are a useless one since you are not getting paid. Or you are a fraudster.

codesimonwise profile image
Simon Rabuogi

Wooow!! That is pretty much for a starter or newbies. Kenya is no better, and the same could be the case in a number of places. But getting past these huddles, makes the sweet victory. Coz if there are devs who started from slums and others refugee camps and made it to be known as some of the best in what they do, then every other person CAN. question is, how passionate are you about the career?. I feel like it could be of more help, fighting through all the challenges and upon making it, come back and support others, so they don't face the same issues you did as you rise to where u are. Calls for UNITY among devs to help one another... especially newbies

melfordd profile image
Melford Birakor • Edited

I'm a Nigerian and this article cuts so deep into the truth we are facing as developers. Thanks for sharing such a powerful content for the world to know a quarter of our challenges.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

That’s the sole reason I titled it “Beginner’s Journey”

Most people will only talk about the good times and getting the perfect one talks about this enough.

ognoobistbeach profile image
Simeon Khuntha

Here in Malawi, at least per my observation, we have somewhat the zame situation on the data bundle side. The cheapest data bundle for one of the networks, TNM, can go as low as 360 Naira for 4GB valid for 2 hours or 1200 Naira for the same 4GB for 12 hours. For longer duration, 1GB valid for 1 day goes for 720 Naira. On the electricity side, at least in the location I stay, lights barely go out. But it is nonetheless disheartening that this is the situation in Nigeria.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

More strength to you on that data front Chief. Hopefully it becomes less expensive. It’s great you at least have electricity. I’m thinking solar panels now.

ognoobistbeach profile image
Simeon Khuntha

They recently "reduced" the price of the data bundles, but only for those below 3.6GB. The rest are still the same. I guess they targeted the majority of the people since they buy those smaller data bundles. The reduction goes from 3% to around 45% with the smaller the data bundle, the bigger the reduction.

nathbabs profile image

The power supply has even gotten worse in the past month, it's so bad.
Someone was rejected for a remote job because of these things.
All these struggle yet no one is willing to hire a junior. Everybody wants a senior , some people are giving up.

ibookdrupal profile image
Terngu Hindan Solomon

So, disheartening, you just said it all. Everything is just skyrocketing everyday; they will wake up and increase charges on your bank transactions plus every calls you make, banks are busy removing some unnecessary charges without informing you.. sigh.. what is that called? But all the same! I always say, whatever it takes to reach there we must get there. Its a matter of time, who you meet, are they the right people that will help in your career life and also understands your situation?
Lets keep the light burning...

#javascript #beginner #firebase #nodejs #tailwindCSS

vurso profile image

Someone reading this should see your pain as opportunity for innovation. Solar power, portable mesh networks for distributed computing at a local neighbourhood level, when you are able to take snapshots of the Internet (here Google could help out...where are the big techs why are they not helping emerging talent?!).

Hardware & software charities to help provide access to laptops and computer equipment so many of us western cultured people upgrade out laptops yearly usually when we don't need to for years so those same 'obsolete' laptops could be the key to the next innovator.

And lastly Africa as a whole has immense talent how do I know this? Time and again my African brothers & sisters have had to use limited resources, often facing steep challenges like you described and still being able to think through those problems to come up with solutions.

Bottom line get investing in IoT, cheap to build and obtain (relatively speaking), build solar powered hubs and create a mesh network that self heals and then get some data storage and fill up that knowledge base my friend!

Good luck and God bless 🙏🏽

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

This was really insightful and it reminded me of my conversation with a friend I met here, Sebastian. We are currently trying to work out the plans for this. I would also love to ask if there was a way to have people donate some of their “obsolete” laptop as it would be very helpful for a lot of newbie developers. I could draft out a plan for that if you’re willing to discuss further about this so that we help people while putting the first plan in progress.

leptium profile image
Richard E. Salvatierra

😲 I didn't know that sheet! 😱 Thanks for sharing your reality.

tejumolamann profile image

Hey Opeyemi, I can relate. In my own experience, you should add, you get employed as a developer and that means you are the system administrator, network administrator, database administrator, hardware manager, Web developer, software engineer and the handler of anything that had got a micro chip inside with low level code running inside of it. Talk about a jack of all I.T.

chiefsodipo profile image
Chief Harold Sodipo

The strange thing is that the gruelling Nigerian situation actually affects most of the working population (with the exception being politicians, wealthy business men, entrenched oil and gas people and crooks) the pain is being felt by those you would assume are impervious to the rigors of a collapsed economy.

It must be much more debilitating for Nigerian youth.

A terrible shame, the direct result of years of greed, theft and wanton ineptitude.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

I tell you Chief. The situation is sickening. I had to choose between going to charge last night and standing the risk of getting shot.

Young boys killing themselves in my area as we speak, cultism on a high and it’s not just because they chose to but because there was no fundamental plan laid down by the government in the first place.

How do you plan a party when you don’t know how many people are coming?

How do you plan for a nation when we don’t have a very calculated guess of how many citizens the country even has?

chukwudaniel profile image
Foley's Ink

Bros, you listed alot of things.I started learning with my phone from an app I downloaded called Mimo. I as an accountant started learning coding last year and I've barely had problems because I'm making use of opportunity I have. Where I work I was given an official laptop and yeah there's always network to connect with. I realised I can only learn this coding using the little time I get to spend in the office and its really paying off. Well, everyone may not have such opportunity but we should not relent to try and grab anyone that comes by.

dimkayilrit profile image
Dimka Yilrit

It is really a hard thing to become a programmer in Nigerian. I study computer science for 3years(Nce program) but the truth be told,We never did a single practical through out those three years talk more of running a single computer program.
I managed to start learning how to program from the books in the local library which where outdated to be precise books from 2006,2007 e.t.c. I learned a bit from those books but with all these things I have learned, I did not even have a laptop to practice what I have learned. I did manage to program my final year project by my self using a laptop that I borrowed from a friend.
I went on to learn Java but I had to stop cause I couldn't run a GUI application on my phone. I switched to css and html for web development which I Practice on my mobile phone cause I have no laptop. There are so many obstacles but we just have to keep on moving.

nwajeigideon profile image
Nwajei Gideon

Absolutely true. Not to talk of how extremely difficult if you happen to be a student.
I am a student currently in my final year and I tell you our school system here chokes to till you almost drop, guess that's why some people drop out when they can't cope any longer.
Data is extremely expensive, you manage to pay for a month subscription but it only last a week or less.

I learnt web development about 3 years ago but after learning it was like there was nothing more to it, I mean it's hard to find a vibrant web Dev community or work on local web Dev projects/jobs since most people here don't even know how important it is to have a website. That and other long list of factors actually discouraged me in fact I stopped coding for the past 3 years, just started picking up the pace some months back.
Truth is the pains and struggles we face as upcoming developers in Nigeria can not be explained with words alone cause if one try to explain, it might take forever.
May God help the Nigerian developers. Amen.

solomonclark profile image

More courage to my african brother down there, precisely 9ija....its never easy for a bit in There

bolajoko_dre profile image

And the power epilepsy is like the greatest of all, knocks all zeal out of you, and dictates when you code.
Really a sad one in this country, Nigeria

danstockham profile image
Dan Stockham

Are there any plans to get out of the area you're in?

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

I would put it like this...a part of me wants to leave so bad but only to go and get better education so I can come back to help my community.
Sometime ago I wanted to travel, just get out of the I saved up but by the time I was done, the cost of relocation had more than doubled due to inflation so I had to stay back again.

If I could get out I would but better than that I want to be able to give back to the youth from wherever I am

folavrd profile image

Spot on, the struggle is real.
To think despite all this we generated over 100million dollars as at 2020.

There is a lot of potentials for tech and Nigeria

polenj86 profile image

Hi Stephen, is there a way to help you and your fellow devs? I've seen some links in the comments down here but i'm not sure which way to go.
Please contact me.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Hi, I’m sorry this is coming late. Like very very late. I’ve been really sick and every other thing has been on pause. How do I contact you? I have got a few ideas we could discuss. I also have a new friend on here, Sebastian who suggested an idea to me as well. Once again, my sincerest apologies for the late reply

danoseun profile image
'Seun Somefun

@resourcefulmind Have you seen this?

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

My attention has just been drawn to this. I initially didn’t see this and then got down with typhoid. Thank you very much

Thread Thread
danoseun profile image
'Seun Somefun

Ok bro. Please get well soon.

horlamide_jay profile image
Jubril Olamide

Thanks so much, @Opeyemi Stephen for putting out this post. I pray for us that are already in the industry to make it early in life so that we can uplift the newbies.

habteyes profile image

All you have say is happed In Ethiopia the government can not understand all this staff

steveadex profile image

Opeyemi Stephen, I'll be glad if I can get some job advert for beginners, have been on this for over 6 years now. Have been practicing but no job to develop myself and confident

lanrewaju profile image
Lanre Fagbeyiro

Thank you for letting everyone know the struggles we face here, it's so sad.

oladelejohn profile image

You nailed it bro,learning to code was very critical for me personally

segunbol profile image

God bless you Opeyemi, phcn gets my schedule messed up.

nogiator profile image

You know as e dey go.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Think about the endpoints bro. You will reap the rewards of success.

tonyette profile image
Feyisayo Famakinde

OMG. You spoke my mind I struggle with the learn daily talk because we do not have light daily and then I feel I am not doing enough

nicozerpa profile image
Nico Zerpa (he/him)

Oh, God... Even though we share some of the struggles here in Latin America (I'm from Argentina) the situation is waaay worse for you... 😢

Thank you for sharing it.

anekenonso profile image
kenneth okenwa

You excluded the computer illiterate police officers that will automatically conclude that you are a criminal once you are seen with a laptop. Na thunder go fire them.

resourcefulmind profile image
Opeyemi Stephen

Let’s not even go there. That will be an entirely different article on its own.

parkerproject profile image

You should check out

andrewbenrichard profile image
Andrew Ben Richard

If you want to grow in Nigeria as a developer I would suggest looking for work outside the country. I know is not easy but is doable.

Focus on growing your portfolio and you can achieve anything.

horlamide_jay profile image
Jubril Olamide

Do you mind if I put this on Twitter or Instagram?

shinspiegel profile image
Jeferson 'Shin' Leite Borges

Awesome text. Could you provide the money values related to the minimum wage?

jideabdqudus profile image

Someone had to say all of these. Working for companies abroad and in between meetings you have a light cut out and they keep wondering what went wrong ahaha

dansagam profile image

This is so true, looking at the power supply alone is enough to just forget a career in software development.