Percentages are a core feature of calculators, but their operation can differ based on the implementation. Behind the simplicity, there’s a bit of math magic at work. Understanding this logic can make even the trickiest calculations feel like a breeze.
Let’s look at how calculators process percentages and the math that powers them!
Basic Percentage Calculation (X%)
When you enter a number followed by the percentage symbol (%), the calculator treats it as a fraction of 100.
For example: entering 200 × 50% in a calculator gives you 100
50% is equivalent to 0.5 (since 50 ÷ 100 = 0.5). So, the calculator is calculating: 200 × 0.5 = 100
This is useful for quickly finding a percentage of a number.
Percentage Increase or Decrease (± X%)
Calculators can help you quickly determine percentage increases or decreases.
Increase: Add the percentage to the original value. 20% increase on 150 is calculated as: 150 + (150 × 0.20) = 180
Decrease: Subtract the percentage from the original value. 20% decrease on 150 is: 150 - (150 × 0.20) = 120
In some calculators, instead of typing + 20%, you may need to multiply the original number by 1.2 for an increase (or 0.8 for a decrease).
How Percentages Are Handled in Advanced Calculators
Like many advanced calculators, GNOME Calculator handles percentages with a system of "tokens" (like pieces of a puzzle). It employs a "parser" and "evaluator" to process the math operations. Here’s a closer look at how this works:
Lexer and Parser
These components break down and organize the expression you enter:
The lexer turns your input (e.g. 3 + 5 * 2) into individual tokens like numbers, operators, and symbols.
The parser processes these tokens into a structure that respects operator precedence (which operation should be performed first) and associativity (how operations are grouped).
Percentage Handling
In the code for GNOME Calculator, we can see how the percentage operation is parsed and evaluated.
Standalone Percentage Operator: When a percentage is used by itself, the lexer identifies the %
symbol and treats it as a fraction. For example, if you input 50%, the parser transforms it into the value 0.5. The evaluator then calculates the result.
public class PercentNode : RNode {
public PercentNode(Parser parser, LexerToken? token, uint precedence, Associativity associativity) {
base(parser, token, precedence, associativity);
public override Number? solve_r(Number r) {
return r.divide_integer(100); // Divide the number by 100 to convert it to a percentage
Percentage in Addition/Subtraction: When a percentage appears with an addition or subtraction operator, the parser checks if the percentage should be applied directly to the preceding number or if it should be calculated separately.
public class AddNode : LRNode {
public bool do_percentage = false;
public AddNode(Parser parser, LexerToken? token, uint precedence, Associativity associativity) {
base(parser, token, precedence, associativity);
public override Number solve_lr(Number l, Number r) {
if (do_percentage) {
var per = r.add(new Number.integer(100)); // Add 100 to the percentage part
per = per.divide_integer(100); // Divide by 100 to get the fraction
return l.multiply(per); // Multiply the left operand by the percentage value
} else {
return l.add(r); // Normal addition if no percentage is involved
Back To Main Problem
Most calculators generate results based on the implementation of precedence (which operation should be performed first) and associativity (how operations are grouped).
Let’s say you want to subtract a percentage from another percentage:
What It Really Means
Here, x%
gets interpreted as percentage of percentage and then subtracted.
To prevent confusion, there are specific rules for notation. Proper use of parentheses in these operations ensures clear interpretation.
Instead of functioning with a subtraction operator, (x%)
now functions as a Standalone percentage.
This shows the importance of the calculator’s internal rules when handling percentages, especially when combining them with other operations.
Calculators simplify percentages for basic tasks, but understanding the math is key for more complex situations, like increases followed by discounts (where a price is first raised and then reduced). Knowing these patterns helps you use percentages effectively in daily calculations!
Top comments (4)
If I remember my math classes correctly 1% - 1% = 0.0099. That is becuase it can be written also as 0.01 − 0.0001.
More obvious it si in this example 5 - 1% = 4.95 and 5 - 100% = 0. So 1% - 100% = 0 because we are substacting the whole (i.e. 100%) number from the number.
Same as for subtraction applies to multiplication, 1% * 1% can be aslo written as 0.01 * 0.0001..
Not sure if this has anything to do with calculators or computer scinence at all.
Just very basic math principles and rules how % calculations work.
Yes, I agree! But some calculators, like KCalc, still produce
in cases like this. I noticed it myself on Manjaro Linux. Likely a quirk in how they handle percentages rather than basic math principles. 😊Oh, I see. That is quite interesting.
I have recently discovered that lots of stuff in Windows 11 is done using React Native. So we may be lucky not havig 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004, hahaha.
Percentages can be tricky, whether in math calculations or academic grading. Just like calculators handle percentages differently, CGPA to percentage conversions require precise formulas for accuracy. The right tools make these calculations effortless and reliable.