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[SCARY] Visual Regression Testing


During one of our releases, we had to roll all the sites back (5 of them) because one of the developers found that a single page had changed unexpectedly. The rollback took almost 4-hours.

I kept thinking that we found this issue on one of the sites. There was no guarantee that the issue was on all of the sites.


I wanted something that could store information on a group of pages prior to the release and compare them against the pages after the release.

After checking with some friends, I looked into Playwright, a library generally used for end-to-end testing.

I started with this guide: Visual Comparisons.

The Code

I write a lot of Unit, Component, and Integration Tests.

I broke all the rules.

At it's core, I want to be able to test over 1-8 domains; quickly turning them off and on, as needed. Additionally, for each domain, I can have a lengthy list of paths to test.

I came up with something like this as a configuration file: /tests/smoke-tests.json.

  "SMOKE_ONLY": true,

  "DOMAINS": [
    { "url": "", "active": false },
    { "url": "", "active": false },
    { "url": "", "active": false },
    { "url": "", "active": true },
    { "url": "", "active": true },
    { "url": "", "active": true },
    { "url": "", "active": true },
    { "url": "", "active": true }

  "":  {
    "smoke": [
    "detailed": []
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The smoke and detailed keys give me the option to store paths that aren't being used in a way that they aren't tested, but could be quickly with the SMOKE_ONLY option.

MAX_DIFF_PIXEL_RATIO is how closely we want to look a differences. The closer to zero, the more accurate a match must be.

My playwright.config.ts file looks like this.

import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  testDir: './tests',
  fullyParallel: true,
  forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
  retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
  workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
  reporter: 'html',
  use: {
    trace: 'on-first-retry',

  projects: [
      name: 'chromium',
      use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] },

      name: 'Mobile Chrome',
      use: { ...devices['Pixel 5'] },
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Clearly, more browsers could be used, but this is enough for my use-case.

Here's the test code: /tests/smoke-tests.spec.ts.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import core from './smoke-tests.json';

interface DomainPattern {
  url: string;
  active: boolean;

const smokeOnly: boolean = core.SMOKE_ONLY;
const maxDiffPixelRatio = core.MAX_DIFF_PIXEL_RATIO;

test.describe('Smoke Tests', () => {

  core.DOMAINS.forEach((domain: DomainPattern) => {
    if ( === true) {

      const paths: Array<string> = smokeOnly
        ? [...core[domain.url].smoke]
        : [...core[domain.url].detailed, ...core[domain.url].smoke];

      paths.forEach(async (path: string) => {
        const fullpath: string = `${domain.url}${path}`;

        test(`for "${fullpath}"`, async ({ page }) => {
          await page.goto(fullpath, { timeout: 60000, waitUntil: "networkidle" });
          await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
          await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({
            fullPage: true,


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

What It Does

This code looks through the domains, builds an array of paths and loops through those. Each domain path combination is a test (note the name change to "for ${fullpath}" ensuring a different name for each test.

We go to the page, wait 5 seconds, and expect a screenshot comparison of the full page.


This code is run from the command line with

npx playwright test
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


You then get something like this in the command line.

CLI run of the Visual Regression Test

... and, your browser opens with the test results.

Browser results of a test run

I generally click "Failed" to reduce what I need to check.

Browser results of a test run, failed only

At this point, I need to manually check the pages. Clicking on one of the failed tests takes me to a page; scrolling down I can see a heatmap overlay (note the red).

Image description

Clicking the "Slider" option is one of my favorites that allows us to compare the before and after changes by sliding a scrollbar left and right.

Image description


REMEMBER that this test suite has to be run before and after each release. The before run generates the new images, so you should delete the created /tests/smoke-tests.spec.ts-snapshots folder each time to allow for new image captures.



No. This test is 37-lines long and provides a level of assurance that got applause the first time it was run for this team.

I am able to test almost 300 pages in a matter of minutes; that's powerful!

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