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Prof. Ms. Ricardo Leme
Prof. Ms. Ricardo Leme

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Geospatial Query in MongoDB

The geospatial data in MongoDB refers to information associated with specific locations on the Earth's surface. This type of data is commonly represented using the GeoJSON format, which supports various geometries such as points, lines, and polygons. MongoDB provides dedicated features for working with geospatial data, enabling efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of location-related information.

When should I use it?

  1. Location-Based Applications: Geospatial data in MongoDB is especially useful for applications that rely on location information, such as map services, location-based searches, and geofencing. Storing and querying geospatial data allows the development of apps offering location-sensitive features.
  2. Proximity Searches: When you need to find locations near a specific point, geospatial data comes in handy. This is beneficial for applications like store locators, restaurant finders, or any service involving recommendations based on proximity.
  3. Spatial Analysis: If your application involves analyzing relationships and patterns in spatial data, MongoDB's geospatial capabilities can help. For instance, you can analyze the distribution of points, identify clusters, or perform spatial calculations.
  4. Geofencing: Geofencing involves defining virtual boundaries in the real world and triggering actions when a device enters or exits these boundaries. Geospatial data in MongoDB enables the efficient implementation of geofencing logic.
  5. Route Optimization: For applications requiring route planning or optimization, geospatial data can be used to represent and query paths, helping find the most efficient routes between locations.

Inserting Geospatial Data

To insert geospatial data, you can use the GeoJSON data type and the 2dsphere spatial index. Here's an example of inserting a point:

  name: "City Center",
  location: {
    type: "Point",
    coordinates: [longitude, latitude]
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Basic Proximity Query:

To find locations near a specific coordinate, you can use the $nearSphere operator:

  location: {
    $nearSphere: {
      $geometry: {
        type: "Point",
        coordinates: [longitude, latitude]
      $maxDistance: 1000 // Maximum distance in meters
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Query with Polygons:

You can also perform queries within defined areas using polygons. Let's perform a query to find all locations within a specific polygon. Suppose the polygon is defined by the following coordinates:

const polygon = [
  [-43.200, -22.920],
  [-43.200, -22.900],
  [-43.180, -22.900],
  [-43.180, -22.920],
  [-43.200, -22.920]
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The MongoDB query will look like this:

  location: {
    $geoWithin: {
      $geometry: {
        type: "Polygon",
        coordinates: [polygon]
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LineString Query

The LineString query in MongoDB allows finding documents in a collection whose geospatial data, represented as continuous paths (lines), intersects with a specific line. It is useful for identifying, for example, paths that pass through a certain route or area.

To perform this query, use the $geoIntersects operator in combination with the LineString data type and the coordinates of the desired line in GeoJSON format. This functionality is valuable in applications involving path analysis, routes, or any scenario where the intersection of geospatial lines is relevant.

Practical Example of LineString Usage

Suppose you have a collection called "routes" that stores information about different paths, each represented by a document with a "path" field in GeoJSON format. Let's create an example by inserting some data and perform a query to find routes that intersect with a specific line.

Inserting Example Data

Let's insert some example data representing routes:

  name: "Route A",
  path: {
    type: "LineString",
    coordinates: [
      [-43.200, -22.910],
      [-43.190, -22.905],
      [-43.180, -22.900]

  name: "Route B",
  path: {
    type: "LineString",
    coordinates: [
      [-43.185, -22.915],
      [-43.175, -22.910],
      [-43.165, -22.905]

// Insert other routes as needed
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Performing LineString Query

Now, let's perform a query to find routes that intersect with a specific line. Suppose the line is defined by the following coordinates:

const line = [
  [-43.195, -22.912],
  [-43.185, -22.907],
  [-43.175, -22.902]
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The MongoDB query will look like this:

  path: {
    $geoIntersects: {
      $geometry: {
        type: "LineString",
        coordinates: line
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Geospatial data in MongoDB is a powerful feature for handling location-based information. It is beneficial in scenarios where understanding and utilizing spatial relationships enhance the functionality and efficiency of your application.


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