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Improving Elm's compiler output

Robin Heggelund Hansen on May 25, 2019

Elm is fast. This is not because of any innovation in the compiler. In fact, the Elm compiler hardly does any optimization at all. Elm is fast be...
justgage profile image

Awesome changes! Are these changes going to be implemented soon?

robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen

The honest answer to that is: don’t know πŸ˜…

justgage profile image

Corollary, are you helping Evan directly now?

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robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen

I'm a member of the core team, so I do talk with Evan from time to time. But I still write PRs which he may, or may not, merge.

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justgage profile image

I just thought it was a core team of one, so that's cool 😁

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robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen

There's actually a whole bunch:


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jxxcarlson profile image
James Carlson

Wonderfully informative post.

mshaka profile image

Interesting article! Can I translate it into Japanese?

robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen

Sure :)

mshaka profile image

I'm sorry there is something that I can't understand in Inlining section.

  1. Is the intermediary number value is accumlator?
  2. What does we were folding over other things mean actually? And why aren't ints stored? In my knowledge, all local variables are stored on the stack or the heap.

I'm looking forward to your answer

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robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen
  1. yes
  2. other things like Booleans, Maps, Sets, Floats or other Objects. Β«If we weren’t storing intsΒ» refers to the option of storing other intermediate values like objects.
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mshaka profile image

Thanks for your quick response! I understood.

I'm so sorry I have one more question, but this is last one.

It's about this sentence.

This is like getting the benefits of a monomorphising compiler, without actually having a monomorphishing compiler.

What I understand is below:
This talks about Inline Caching. If foldl is inlined, the function as argument of foldl is also inlined, so without Inline Caching code of inlined foldl's loop is specilized for argument functions type.
Is this right?

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robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen

This talks about Inline Caching => inline caches is something else, inlining is just replacing a function call with the implementation of the function.

without Inline Caching code of inlined foldl's loop is specilized for argument functions type => without inlining, the foldl's loop cannot be specialized because it has to handle all possible argument types.

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mshaka profile image

Thank you! You mean monomophishing is to specialize code by inlining function call, right? If so, I can't understand what without actually having a monomorphishing compiler means...

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robinheghan profile image
Robin Heggelund Hansen

monomorphising doesn't do inling. When a monomorphising compiler sees the following code:

listmap : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
listmap fn list =
    List.foldl (\a acc -> fn a :: acc) list
    |> List.reverse

strs = listmap String.fromInt [ 1, 2, 3 ]

strs = listmap isEven [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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it will generate two versions of listmap, one which has the type (Int -> String) -> List Int -> List String and one which has the type (Int -> Bool) -> List Int -> List Bool. It will then use the specialized listmap implementations where it can.

This allows the compiler to specialize code better, because it has precise type information.

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mshaka profile image

Oh...I misread that you used "monomorphishing" like as this article explained.

I've published my translation!

I appreciate your patience and kindness!