
Rocky LIU Yan
Rocky LIU Yan

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Ingesting Data in F# with Aether: A Practical Guide to Using Lenses, Prisms, and Morphisms

In the world of functional programming, dealing with immutable and deeply nested data structures can quickly become cumbersome. Without the right tools, these data structures require complex, repetitive code for accessing and modifying their values. Aether is a powerful .NET library that addresses these challenges by providing Lenses, Prisms, and Morphism tools to streamline data manipulation. This guide will walk you through the basics of Aether, including how to use its key concepts effectively, along with practical examples to get you started.

Why Aether?

Aether simplifies working with immutable data and deeply nested structures. It provides a set of tools that help you:

  • Access and modify deeply nested data with minimal boilerplate code.
  • Work with uncertain or variant data types safely (e.g., Option or Result).
  • Create more declarative and readable code.

By leveraging Lenses, Prisms, and Morphism, Aether lets you focus on the logic of your application without being bogged down by repetitive data access patterns.


To start using Aether in your .NET project, simply install the package via NuGet:

dotnet add package Aether
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Key Concepts in Aether

Before diving into examples, let’s briefly explain the core concepts you'll be working with in Aether:

  • Lenses: Lenses allow you to focus on a specific part of a data structure (like a field in a tuple or a record). They provide functions for getting and setting values within a structure without needing to manually handle the nested fields.

  • Prisms: Prisms are used to handle data that can have multiple shapes, like Option or Either types. They offer a safe way to access values inside these types, while handling the possibility of absence or error cases gracefully.

  • Morphism: Morphism refers to transformations that allow you to map or modify values across different data structures or types. It's useful for applying a function to elements inside a collection or converting between different shapes of data.

Example Code

Here’s a practical example of using Aether to manipulate various data types in a functional way:

open Aether
open Aether.Operators

// Define a tuple type for Point
type Point = float * float

// Create a Point tuple (X and Y coordinates)
let p = (10.0, 20.0) // X=10, Y=20

// Use fst_ lens to set and get the first element of the Point tuple (X coordinate)
let newX = 5.0
let updatedP = Optic.set fst_ newX p // Updated Point: (5.0, 20.0)
let xValue = Optic.get fst_ updatedP // Get the updated X coordinate: 5.0

// Convert a list to an array
let list = [1; 2; 3]
let array = fst List.array_ list // Using the first function to convert to an array

printfn "array = %A" array

// Convert the array back to a list
let list' = snd List.array_ array // Using the second function to convert back to a list

printfn "list' = %A" list'

// Create a list of integers
let intList = [1; 2; 3]

// Use List.head_ prism to get the first element of the list
let headValue = Optic.get List.head_ intList // 1

// Use List.tail_ prism to get the remaining part of the list
let tailList = Optic.get List.tail_ intList // [2; 3]

printfn "tailList = %A" tailList

// Create a Map
let map = Map.ofList ["a", 1; "b", 2; "c", 3]

// Use Map.key_ prism to get the value for a specific key
let keyValue = Optic.get (Map.key_ "b") map // 2

// Update a specific key's value in the Map
let updatedMap = Optic.set (Map.key_ "b") 5 map // map ["a", 1; "b", 5; "c", 3]

printfn "updatedMap = %A" updatedMap

// Define an Option type
let optionValue = Some "Hello World"

// Use Option.value_ prism to get the value inside the Option
let valueOptic = Optic.get Option.value_ optionValue // "Hello World"
printfn "The value is: %A" valueOptic

// Update the value inside the Option
let updatedOptionValue = Optic.set Option.value_ "Hello Aether!" optionValue // Some "Hello Aether!"

printfn "The updated value is: %A" updatedOptionValue
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array = [|1; 2; 3|]
list' = [1; 2; 3]
tailList = Some [2; 3]
updatedMap = map [("a", 1); ("b", 5); ("c", 3)]
The value is: Some "Hello World"
The updated value is: Some "Hello Aether!"
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Explanation of Key Operations

  • fst_ and snd_: These are lenses that focus on the first and second elements of a tuple, respectively. With these lenses, you can access or modify specific parts of a tuple without breaking its structure.

  • List.head_ and List.tail_: These are prisms that focus on the head (first element) and tail (remaining elements) of a list. They are useful for working with lists where the first element may be present or absent.

  • Map.key_: This is a prism used to focus on a specific key in a Map. It allows you to access or update values associated with that key in a functional way.

  • Option.value_: This is a prism used to focus on the value inside an Option (such as Some or None). It enables you to safely access or update the value, while handling cases where the value might be absent.

Why Use Aether?

Aether offers a clean, functional approach to managing data in .NET, especially when you're dealing with complex or immutable structures. Here are some reasons to consider using Aether:

  • Clarity and Declarative Code: Aether's use of Lenses, Prisms, and Morphisms allows for more readable and declarative code when manipulating data structures.
  • Less Boilerplate: Instead of writing manual functions for accessing and updating nested data, you can use Aether's built-in tools to simplify the process.
  • Strong Functional Principles: Aether aligns well with functional programming principles, allowing you to handle immutable data and complex transformations in a more predictable way.

Real-World Use Cases

While the examples above are simple, Aether shines in more complex scenarios. For instance, imagine you have deeply nested JSON-like data or a complex domain model where accessing and modifying specific fields is error-prone and repetitive. Aether’s tools help you focus on the task at hand while abstracting away the boilerplate code involved in data manipulation.


Aether provides a concise and functional way to manipulate data in .NET, especially when dealing with complex or immutable data structures. By utilizing Lenses, Prisms, and Morphism, you can make your code more readable, maintainable, and less error-prone. If you often find yourself writing repetitive code to access or update data, Aether might be the right tool to simplify your workflow.

To get the most out of Aether, explore the official documentation and check out some advanced patterns. If you're working with other functional libraries like FsToolkit.ErrorHandling, Aether integrates seamlessly with them to provide even more flexibility.

Happy coding!

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