Alt Title: How do you know if a framework is worth sticking with?
I have been learning svelte for the past few days and have even started porting an alpine.js project to svelte. While svelte felt much easier than react, having studied some react for freecodecamp certificate, I can't quite call svelte easy by itself. And thus every once in a while I keep asking myself is it going to be worth it? Will I raise my skills enough to make really cool things or am I going to bow out whenever some concept feels slightly tough?
Ignoring my lack of perseverance, what frameworks do you think will be active enough in the next 15 years?
To avoid this question becoming a contested topic, I would like to clarify I got this question while looking at livescript's syntax, wondering why it never took off and became a dead language. Then wasted time at reading online discussions on why elm is no longer active anymore, and the split of ReScript from ReasonML, I learned about how people who get used to functional programming based languages always feel like all other languages are cavemen/primitive compared to its beauty. BASIC was a beginners learning tool to begin with, but why did pascal stopped being actively used?
I remember looking for a 3d renderer in 2018 or 2019 for a one off project, picked threejs but there was an overwhelming amount of choice of things to use, apart from unity engine and unreal most of those frameworks or engines are no longer even used anywhere (atleast in public repos), documentations take you to sold out domains (a github repo of docs could keep the tools usable atleast for tinkerers).
The kind of heights things like coffeescript and jquery were at one point compared to others is not even close to what we have now, which is good thing that we can design our things in a way that feels suitable to us, but If I have to port something that I wished to be something big, perhaps a decade long project, then it feels like a bad tooling choice from the start.
On a related note, the project that I am porting from alpine.js to svelte: Karui (just thrown in the src folder in the repo the app currently uses alpinejs). Alpine.js was great, but any typing mistake anywhere would break the whole thing without clear feedback, console.log was my only friend. Svelte's component based system felt brilliant but vite kept showing blank page every 3-4 minutes with no errors anywhere, I had to keep guessing the mistakes, and rerun pnpm run dev too many times. I see that as a vite problem, although would need to test more with other things. So my question isn't about vite (I am yet to understand that error), it's about gathering some general opinions on how does one pick a stack (language/ framework/ tooling) for longetivity?
For those who have worked in the field for some time, what signs do you look for to see if a framework has staying power?
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