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Robert Sfarzo
Robert Sfarzo

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GitHub: clone, fork, template

The following is from ChaptGPT 3.5:

GitHub provides several ways to work with repositories, including fork, clone, and templates. Here's an explanation of the differences between these actions:


  • Usage: Forking is typically used when you want to contribute to someone else's repository on GitHub.
  • Ownership: When you fork a repository, it creates a copy of the original repository under your GitHub account. You don't have write access to the original repository; instead, you have your copy, which you can modify.
  • Relationship: There is a link between the original repository and your fork, which allows you to sync changes from the original repository into your fork.
  • Collaboration: You can make changes to your fork, commit them, and then create a pull request to propose changes to the original repository. The owner of the original repository can then review and merge your changes if they want.


  • Usage: Cloning is used when you want to work with a repository locally on your computer.
  • Ownership: When you clone a repository, it creates a copy of the repository on your local machine. You can make changes to the repository on your computer, and these changes do not affect the original repository on GitHub.
  • Collaboration: Cloning is typically used for personal work, and you can push your changes back to the repository on GitHub if you have the necessary permissions.


  • Usage: A repository template is a special type of repository that serves as a starting point for new repositories.
  • Ownership: When you create a repository from a template, it doesn't create a direct copy of the template. Instead, it sets up a new repository with the same directory structure and files as the template.
  • Collaboration: Templates are typically used to create consistent project structures, and the new repositories created from templates are independent. You can collaborate on the new repository as you would with any other repository.

In summary:

  • Forking is used for contributing to others' repositories and maintaining a connection to the original repository.
  • Cloning is used for working with a repository locally on your computer.
  • Templates are used to create new repositories with a predefined structure and content.

Each of these actions serves a different purpose, and the choice depends on your specific needs and workflow.

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