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Rustemsoft LLC
Rustemsoft LLC

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Obfuscate an entire .NET assembly or only specific sections?

Deciding whether to obfuscate your entire .NET assembly or just specific sections depends on your goals and the sensitivity of your code. Here are some considerations:

Entire Assembly: Obfuscating the whole assembly provides comprehensive protection, making it harder for anyone to reverse-engineer any part of your code. This is useful if your application contains a lot of proprietary logic or sensitive information.

Specific Sections: If only certain parts of your code are sensitive or proprietary, you might choose to obfuscate just those sections. This can reduce the performance overhead and complexity associated with obfuscation.

Regarding the question 'Should you obfuscate an entire .NET assembly or only specific sections?' Rustemsoft advises Skater Obfuscator users as follows:

  • The obfuscation process may produce suspicious code within your protected assembly, especially when dealing with assemblies containing a large number of members. To address this issue, it is recommended to avoid encrypting all strings and to refrain from applying Control Flow protection to every method in your assembly.
  • Applying these protections to all members will significantly increase the size of your final obfuscated assembly. Instead, selectively protect only critical strings and methods. This can be achieved by reviewing the interface windows for each tab (such as 'Public Members' and 'Strings') and excluding specific methods from the obfuscation process.
  • Additionally, consider using cryptographic techniques for string encryption, as they result in smaller IL code. If you continue to experience antivirus issues, please send us your non-obfuscated assembly so we can analyze it and provide further recommendations.

Compare C# source code before Skater Obfuscation and after:

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Ultimately, the best approach depends on your specific needs and the nature of your application.

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