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Ryan, Siu Long Wa
Ryan, Siu Long Wa

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Interview to GAFA

With two years experience in IT and non-CS background, I really want to challenge myself and see how far I can go. Then, I have applied for the big tech companies. Eventually, I got defeated but I know more about my weaknesses.

Coding Test

All positions in the big tech companies must start with coding challenge. The coding challenge in general does not aim to make you feel bad. Instead, you need to present your mindset verbosely and show how well you understand the complexity and data structure.

It is not necessary to run the code but analyze your code well. As a starting point, it is better if you can actually explain your mindset first.

And one thing I have learned. No one cares if you could memorize all the standard libraries. Spend more time on your oral presentation, algorithm design and coding practice instead!

Deep understanding on computer

I lived in a practical world. I learned all the Linux and networking from my work. However, it is really common to test your understanding on the story behind the scene.

For every button, every single step and every command you run, you have to know it from its root. For example, when you talk about TCP, you need to know how it does the three way handshake. But this is just a basic. You need to also memorize and know all the parts inside the pocket and how they actually make the TCP works. Always ask why when you hit an action in your work.

Think about the private cloud

A lot of companies nowadays use public cloud. But when you enter the big tech companies, they use private cloud instead. You need to know how to manage the cluster in the data center, like rack.

And you also need to know how to handle the distributive computing inside the private cloud.

You will hit a lot of problems if you only know how to handle the public cloud, especially for those who only know how to point and click in the UI.

Sum up

I am still too green in the IT industry. I have planed for studying the basic knowledge again and consolidate all the area before taking their challenges again.

My target is to finish my selected MIT open course first!

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