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Can I Use replace() method to autoreplace all the chosen strings within a user input box of text type in js?

Let's say there is a long-*ss paragraph, and some words in it are issues to copyright, so custom replacements are needed to all strings in p or span tags. By the way, it can be also a user-inputted text that is to be changed to fit the rules. Now, can i create a function with replace() method, and, is it possible to change the strings automatically by ".onclick"-ing on ? Pls provide a fully functional code of both <!DOCTYPE html> '/html' and 'script' '/script'.

Top comments (3)

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Replace can take regex patterns.
This can happen on keyup.

I won't be providing any code sorry, but that's how you would solve it.

pavelloz profile image
Paweł Kowalski • Edited

Yep, replace with regexp is the way to go. is your friend.

s3rg1096 profile image


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