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Sahir khan
Sahir khan

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Introducing Voice-To-Text feature in S Gmail using Deepgram.

Overview of My Submission

Earlier I created a single-page live chatting application following real Gmail's UI, called S Gmail.
Recently I heard about the Deepgram hackathon I thought why don't I use this service in my personal application Sgmail, So, thanks to Deepgram's documentation I was successfully able to use their services in the Sgmail.

Live preview:

Submission Category:

Accessibility Advocates

My Deepgram Use-Case

I was looking to add some features to my hobby project Sgmail application, so when I saw Deepgram's post regarding their voice-to-text service then I decided to implement this service to Sgmail.
And when I started implementing the Deepgram package I realized that I will have to create another project for Deepgram to use it as an API, So I created a very simple backend using Node.js, Express.js, and Deepgram package.

Now, the Deepgram is converting my audio file to text with good accuracy and punctuation which was very necessary for my app.

Now the users don't have to write all the text they want to send in the app, they can just speak what they want to text.

Tech stack

  • React.js - Frontend framework

  • Firebase - Realtime database

  • Deepgram - Voice-To-Text feature

  • Express - API development

  • Material UI - UI designing framework

  • Redux - State management solution

  • Heroku - For hosting the backend of the project

  • Netlify - For hosting the frontend of the project.

  • Github - To host the code.


S Gmail Image

Link to Code on GitHub

Front-end of the project:
Back-end of the project:


So, during Deepgram's implementation into my project, I got to learn a lot about how frontend and backend communicate through API.
After all, I got my hands dirty with the backend, Deepgram gave me the reason to do the same😁.
In future I will be building some more features for this project.

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