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Sai Ram
Sai Ram

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Exploring Rate Limiting Middleware in .NET 8

As web applications grow more sophisticated, the need to manage incoming requests becomes more crucial. Imagine your API or service being bombarded by excessive traffic—whether intentional or accidental—leading to performance degradation or complete unavailability. Rate Limiting Middleware, introduced and refined in .NET 7 and .NET 8, addresses this by limiting the number of requests a user or client can make to your application in a specific timeframe. In this blog, we will dive deep into this middleware, how it works, and how you can implement it to safeguard your applications.

What is Rate Limiting?

Rate limiting is a technique used to control the rate of requests made to an API or web service. It is especially useful for:

  • Preventing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: By limiting requests, you can prevent malicious users from overloading your server.

  • Ensuring fair usage: Ensures that no single client monopolizes the resources.

  • Avoiding API abuse: Prevents users from abusing your API by making excessive calls, protecting both performance and costs.

For example, you may want to allow only 100 API requests per minute for each user to prevent misuse, or limit the number of login attempts to avoid brute-force attacks. Rate limiting enables you to achieve this effectively and is now natively supported in .NET 8.

Rate Limiting in .NET 8

With .NET 8, Rate Limiting Middleware is part of the ASP.NET Core framework, eliminating the need for third-party libraries. It’s highly customizable, allowing you to define different rate-limiting policies for specific endpoints or users.

Key Features of .NET 8 Rate Limiting Middleware:

  • Token Bucket Algorithm: The default algorithm for limiting requests, offering flexibility and precision.

  • Concurrency Limits: Controls the number of concurrent requests.

  • Customizable Responses: You can customize how your application responds when the rate limit is exceeded.

  • Granular Control: Rate limiting policies can be applied based on different factors such as IP address, API keys, or user roles.

How Rate Limiting Works

Rate limiting in .NET 8 works by intercepting incoming HTTP requests and checking them against the rate-limiting policies you've defined. These policies specify how many requests can be made in a given timeframe. If a request exceeds the allowed limit, it can be handled in various ways—such as being rejected or delayed.

The Token Bucket algorithm is the default mechanism. This algorithm works by maintaining a "bucket" of tokens. Every request consumes a token from the bucket, and tokens are replenished at a defined rate. Once the bucket is empty, additional requests are either blocked, queued, or delayed depending on your configuration.

Setting Up Rate Limiting Middleware in .NET 8

Let’s walk through how to configure and implement rate limiting middleware in an ASP.NET Core application.

Step 1: Add Rate Limiting Middleware
In .NET 8, Rate Limiting Middleware is available by default. To configure it, you'll need to define your rate-limiting policies in the Program.cs file.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add Rate Limiting policies
builder.Services.AddRateLimiter(options =>
    // Define a global policy: 100 requests per minute
    options.AddPolicy("GlobalPolicy", policy =>
        policy.FixedWindowLimit(100, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))
              .AutoReplenishment(true)); // Tokens replenish automatically

var app = builder.Build();

// Apply the Rate Limiting Middleware globally

app.MapGet("/", () => "Welcome to Rate Limited API!");


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In this example:

  • We define a Fixed Window rate-limiting policy that allows up to 100 requests per minute for all users.

  • The AutoReplenishment option ensures that the token bucket replenishes itself at the specified interval.

Step 2: Apply Rate Limiting to Specific Endpoints
While you can apply rate limiting globally (as shown above), you can also apply it to specific routes or endpoints.

app.MapGet("/limited-endpoint", () => "This endpoint is rate-limited")
    .RequireRateLimiting("GlobalPolicy"); // Apply the global rate-limiting policy

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This setup limits requests to the /limited-endpoint route to 100 requests per minute.

Advanced Rate Limiting Configurations

The rate-limiting middleware in .NET 8 is highly customizable. Here are a few advanced use cases.

1. Token Bucket Policy
A Token Bucket policy is useful when you want to handle bursts of requests, followed by a cooldown period.

options.AddPolicy("BurstPolicy", policy =>
    policy.TokenBucketLimit(10, // Bucket size
                            TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), // Refill interval
                            5,  // Tokens added per interval
                            QueueProcessingOrder.OldestFirst,  // Process oldest requests first
                            5)); // Max queue size

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In this example:

  • The bucket can hold 10 tokens.

  • Every 30 seconds, 5 tokens are added back into the bucket.

  • If the bucket is empty, requests are queued, with a max queue size of 5.

2. Rate Limiting Based on IP Address
You can create policies that limit requests based on the client's IP address.

options.AddPolicy("IpBasedPolicy", policy =>
    policy.FixedWindowLimit(50, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
          .WithIpRateLimiter()); // Apply rate limiting by client IP

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This policy allows 50 requests per 5 minutes, tracked per IP address.

3. Custom Response for Exceeding Rate Limit
You can customize the response sent to the client when they exceed the rate limit.

options.OnRejected = (context, token) =>
    context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status429TooManyRequests;
    context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Retry-After"] = "60"; // Suggest a retry after 60 seconds
    return Task.CompletedTask;

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This customization sends a 429 Too Many Requests status code and suggests the client retry after 60 seconds.

4. Concurrent Request Limits
In some cases, you may want to limit the number of concurrent requests being processed by your server at any given time.

options.AddPolicy("ConcurrentPolicy", policy =>
    policy.ConcurrencyLimit(10)); // Limit to 10 concurrent requests

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This policy limits the number of concurrent requests to 10. Any requests beyond that will be queued or rejected based on configuration.

Best Practices for Rate Limiting

Here are some best practices to follow when implementing rate limiting:

1. Different Policies for Different Users: Apply different rate limits for different user tiers. For example, free-tier users may get fewer requests per minute compared to premium users.

2. Graceful Failures: When a client exceeds the rate limit, provide a helpful response. For example, include a Retry-After header to tell the client when they can make another request.

3. Monitoring and Logging: Enable logging to monitor how often rate limits are being hit. Use this data to adjust your rate-limiting policies over time.

4. Queueing Requests: In some cases, rather than rejecting requests outright, it may make sense to queue them. This is useful for short bursts of traffic.

5. Combine with Authentication: Use rate limiting in conjunction with authentication policies to limit requests on a per-user basis, not just per IP address.


The introduction of Rate Limiting Middleware in .NET 8 simplifies the process of managing high traffic and protecting your APIs from abuse. Whether you’re developing a public API, an internal service, or a high-traffic web app, implementing rate limiting ensures that your resources are used efficiently and that all users get a fair experience. By leveraging the customizable rate-limiting policies in .NET 8, you can optimize your app's performance and safeguard it from potential attacks or misuse.

Start experimenting with rate limiting today and unlock the full potential of .NET 8 for building robust, high-performance web applications!

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