Class Not Found Exception
This error occurs when the application can't find a class due to incorrect file paths or namespace issues. To fix this, make sure the class name and namespace match the file path, and run the composer dump-autoload command.
Route Not Found
This error can happen when the route is defined but the cached routes file is causing issues. To fix this, run php artisan route:clear to clear the route cache.
Database Connection Errors
This error can occur when the database server isn't responding or the configuration settings in .env are incorrect. To fix this, check the configuration and make sure the database service is running properly.
Server Errors
These errors can be caused by syntax errors in the code or misconfigurations in the files or server.
Database Errors
These errors can range from query syntax errors to connection failures. Common messages include "could not connect to the database" or "SQL syntax error".
Incorrect Dependencies
Each layer of a Laravel application has its own dependencies. For example, the database layer shouldn't depend on the HTTP layer.
Incorrect Column Types
This issue can occur when a developer creates an int field but later needs to add floats.
Some bad practices to avoid include: Not preventing N+1 queries with Eager Loading, Loading too much data from DB, Chaining Eloquent without checking, and API returning 2xx Code with Errors.
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