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Saiful Islam
Saiful Islam

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API Validation in Next.js 15 with Zod and TypeScript

In our previous blogs, we built:

  • A structured API response helperserverResponse Read here

  • An async error-handling wrapperserverAsyncResolve Read here

Now, let’s enhance API validation in Next.js 15 using Zod and TypeScript.

Why Use Zod for API Validation?

🚀 Zod is a TypeScript-first schema validation library that helps ensure API inputs are correctly formatted before processing.

Eliminates manual validation – No need for if-else checks.
Type-safe validation – Prevents unexpected runtime errors.
Structured error messages – Helps frontend developers display form errors correctly.

Step 1: Define the Validation Schema

Let’s create a validation schema for a password reset request using Zod:

import { z } from "zod";

const emailValidation = z
  .string({ required_error: "Email address is required" })
  .email({ message: "Email address is required" })
  .max(80, "Email address is too long");

export const forgetPasswordSchema = z.object({
  email: emailValidation,
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✔️ Requires an email → Users must enter a valid email address.
✔️ Ensures correct format → Rejects malformed email addresses.
✔️ Limits length → Prevents excessively long input.

Step 2: Handle API Requests with Validation

Now, let’s create a POST API route for password reset that:

  • Validates the input with Zod
  • Uses our serverAsyncResolve wrapper for error handling
  • Sends structured responses with serverResponse
import { forgetPasswordSchema } from "@/schemas/forget-password";
import { serverAsyncResolve } from "@/helpers/server-helper/serverAsyncResolve";
import { serverResponse } from "@/helpers/server-helper/serverResponse";
import { getJsonBodyData } from "@/helpers/server-helper/getJsonBodyData";

export async function POST(req: Request) {
  return serverAsyncResolve(async () => {
    const body = await getJsonBodyData<ForgetPasswordType>(req);

    const { email } = forgetPasswordSchema.parse(body);

    return serverResponse({
      success: true,
      message: "Reset password email sent",
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Uses getJsonBodyData Read previous blog to extract JSON input.

🔹 Validates input using forgetPasswordSchema.parse(body).
🔹 If validation fails, it throws a ZodError, which is handled globally.

Step 3: Handling Validation Errors Globally

Instead of handling validation errors inside each API, let’s centralize error handling in serverAsyncResolve:

import type { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import type { ServerResponseType } from "@/types";
import type { ZodError } from "zod";
import validationErrors from "@/helpers/server-helper/validationErrors";
import serverResponse from "@/helpers/server-helper/serverResponse";

export default async function serverAsyncResolve<T>(
  asyncCallback: () => Promise<NextResponse<ServerResponseType<T>>>,
): Promise<NextResponse<ServerResponseType<T>>> {
  try {
    return await asyncCallback();
  } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof ZodError) {
      return serverResponse({
        success: false,
        error: validationErrors(err),
        status: 422,
    if (err instanceof Error) {
      return serverResponse({
        success: false,
        error: err.message,
        status: 500,
    return serverResponse({
      success: false,
      error: "Something went wrong",
      status: 500,
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📌 This ensures all Zod validation errors return a structured response.

Step 4: Convert Zod Errors into Readable Messages

To make Zod errors more user-friendly, we transform them into an array of ValidationError objects:

import type { ValidationError } from "@/types";
import type { ZodError } from "zod";

export default function validationErrors(error: ZodError): ValidationError[] {
  return => ({
    field: err.path.join("."),
    message: err.message,
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✔️ Now, frontend applications receive structured errors like:

  "success": false,
  "error": [
    { "field": "email", "message": "Email address is required" }
  "status": 422
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Final Thoughts

🎯 By combining Next.js 15, Zod, and TypeScript, we achieve:

Automatic request validation with Zod.
Centralized error handling with serverAsyncResolve.
Consistent API responses with serverResponse.

💡 Ready to implement validation in your Next.js APIs? Drop a comment and let me know how you handle validation!

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