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Muhammad Saim Hashmi
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

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Difference between ? and ?? in JavaScript/Typescript

Hey folks, if you have opened this article that means you are curious about these 2 operators, how they operate, and what's the difference between these two. So without wasting any time, let's jump into details with a code example.


? is Optional Chaining Operator, also commonly named as null checker for objects. Its primary use is to check if an object exists or not.


const user = {
    id: 5,
    name: "John"
console.log(user?.name); //John
console.log(user?.fullName); //undefined, program won't crash.
//TypeError: Cannot read property β€˜fullName’ of undefined
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?? is Nullish Coalescing Operator. It is used to initialize an object/variable if it is undefined or null.


const user = {
    id: 5,
    name: "",
    firstName: null,
    lastName: undefined
console.log("Johnny Depp");// prints ""
console.log(user.firstName??"Johnny");// prints Johnny
console.log(user.lastName??"Depp");// prints Depp
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Feel free to add suggestions in the comments.
Thanks. Happy Coding.

Top comments (20)

noriller profile image
Bruno Noriller

I know what you meant, but the user.fullName don't crash. It just returns undefined.
For it to crash you would need user.fullName.somethingElse.

This is because the user object exists and it's not a problem to try access keys that don't exist.

Also, this could be translation issues, but ?? works as ||, except, as you said, only with null and undefined.

As a tip: use 3 backticks (`) plus the language to print code:

// ts example here
// just add "ts" after the backticks
const script: Language = "javascript";
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saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Great, thanks for the correction Bruno.

tasin5541 profile image
Miftaul Mannan

Another thing to keep in mind when you're checking for empty string (i.e ""). Nullish Coalescing Operator (??) will return false only if the variable is null. But Optional Chaining Operator (?) will return false if either the value is null or if it's an empty string.

var name = "";

console.log("hello", name  ? name : "empty");
// hello empty

console.log("hello", name  ?? "empty");
// hello
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var name = null;

console.log("hello", name  ? name : "empty");
// hello empty

console.log("hello", name  ?? "empty");
// hello empty
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saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Great, thanks

sagaryal profile image
Sagar Aryal

Just to clarify below code is Not Optional Chaining Operator but Ternary operator.

console.log("hello", name  ? name : "empty");
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devmando profile image

You learn something everyday! :)

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Learning never stops :))

kievandres profile image
Kiev Andres

Thanks for the article!

srnascimento40 profile image

Nice, i didn't know "??" Seems very helpful

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Do give it a shot.

gajjardarshithasmukhbhai profile image
Darshit Gajjar • Edited

I love this article ❀️❀️

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Glad to hear it.

akhan763 profile image
Ali Khan

Such an informational feed!

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Thanks a lot buddy.

yashraj021 profile image

It returns true for 0 and false for Unknown and Null

x3daniking profile image
Adnan Khan

Wow, thanks dude for the gain

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

Most welcome. Follow me for more articles. Happy Friday.

quannh2 profile image
Quan Nguyen

Clear information. Thanks!

saimwebhr profile image
Muhammad Saim Hashmi

I'm happy to help.

sagaryal profile image
Sagar Aryal • Edited

As @noriller has already mentioned, above example is incorrect. Also I would like to mention that ? is not Optional Chaining Operator but ?. is.

I think it would be better if the author could correct the Post to avoid misunderstanding. Thanks.