Following is a basic description of Spring test framework for helping to read source code.
org.springframework.test.context.TestExecutionListener interface
Allows to add actions during different phases of testing. Following is some useful classes.
Class | Function |
MockitoTestExecutionListener | setup Mockito mock class |
TransactionalTestExecutionListener | handle database transaction |
ServletTestExecutionListener | build necessary Servlet instances when testing Servlet component |
DirtiesContextBeforeModesTestExecutionListener and DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener | force to recreate ApplicationContext on different phase of testing |
WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener | setup SecurityContextHolder |
DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener | inject beans into test instance |
org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager class
Contains test class information and it runs methods of TestExecutionListener.
org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension class
Bridge class between JUnit 5 and Spring test framework.
org.springframework.test.context.ContextCustomizer interface
Provides a way to alter ApplicationContext. Following is some useful classes.
- DynamicPropertiesContextCustomizer
- MockitoContextCustomizer
- SpringBootTestWebEnvironment
- ImportsContextCustomizer
- ExcludeFilterContextCustomizer
- TypeExcludeFiltersContextCustomizer
- SpringBootTestArgs
- DisableAutoConfigurationContextCustomizer
- PropertyMappingContextCustomizer
org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.ImportAutoConfiguration annotation
Spring Boot annotation that to include specific Spring Boot AutoConfiguration class. There are two ways to use it.
This means that to import AutoConfigureDatabase class.
// ...
public @interface AutoConfigureTestDatabase {
// ...
This means that to import entries of AutoConfigureTestDatabase in /META-INF/spring.factories file.
This annotation is used without @EnableAutoConfiguration or with @OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false) when @EnableAutoConfiguration is already annotated in application.
org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.json.JsonTest annotation
Instead of loading a full set of AutoConfiguration classes, a set of AutoConfiguration related to Json testing is imported. Beans defined in your application will be filtered. Following are also imported.
- anything in class annotated with @SpringBootConfiguration
- @TestConfiguration classes
- ContextCustomizer classes
- TypeExcludeFilter and TestTypeExcludeFilter classes
Other test annotation
- @SpringBootTest
- @DataCassandraTest
- @DataJdbcTest
- @DataLdapTest
- @DataMongoTest
- @DataNeo4jTest
- @DataR2dbcTest
- @DataRedisTest
- @JdbcTest
- @JooqTest
- @JsonTest
- @DataJpaTest
- @RestClientTest
- @WebFluxTest
- @WebMvcTest
- @WebServiceClientTest
- @WebServiceServerTest
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