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Suhaib Salarzai
Suhaib Salarzai

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A Journey Through Key Features in Each Version of PostgreSQL (Continue)

This blog article follows on earlier one and we will go through the other remaining PostgreSQL versions.

PostgreSQL Version 13:

PostgreSQL 13 included numerous new features aimed at improving efficiency, safety, and accessibility:

1. Incremental Backup:

This version added incremental backup functionality, which reduced the backup window and storage needs.

2. Parallel Vacuuming:

Parallel vacuuming was implemented, which improved the efficiency of vacuum operations, which are critical for database health.

3. Enhanced Security:

PostgreSQL 13 included a few security upgrades, including the capacity to avoid password reuse and enhanced authentication techniques.

PostgreSQL Version 14:

PostgreSQL 14's effectiveness features are being refined further, enabling database operations more effective. Among the important enhancements are:

1. Efficient Hash Join:

The use of "batched" hash joins improves the speed of join operation, particularly in data storage settings.

2. Logical Duplication:

Increase in performance of logical replication make it an extra appealing alternative for synchronization of data across different databases.

3. Role administration Enhancements:

PostgreSQL 14 adds additional versatility and control to role and permission administration, improving access for users monitoring.

4. Enhanced Monitoring:

Improved monitoring utilities provide more details about the performance of databases and activity.

PostgreSQL version 15:

PostgreSQL 15 advances, allowing efficient data structure and query performance.

1. Data Mask:

PostgreSQL 15 offers data masking, which protects sensitive details by confusing specific data shards, assisting to comply with rules governing privacy.

2. GIN Indexes:

By letting indexes to include commonly used columns, the addition of wrapping Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) functionality increases search speed.

3. BRIN Rating Enhancements:

Block Range INdexes (BRIN) embrace enhanced efficiency, especially when searching huge datasets.

4. Procedural languages:

PostgreSQL 15 provides functionality for new procedural languages, allowing you to write more persistent procedures and distinct functions.


PostgreSQL's path has been one of ongoing innovation and improvement. PostgreSQL has addressed the increasing needs of designers, administrators, and users with each new version, giving greater performance, sophisticated capabilities, and improved usability. As we've seen, key characteristics introduced with each version have played an important part in developing the database system's capabilities, providing PostgreSQL a dependable and versatile choice for a variety of applications. PostgreSQL is a cornerstone in the field of relational databases, setting the standard for open-source database management systems as it evolves.

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