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Here's how to create an Azure Virtual Machine
I have a video tutorial if you prefer: How to create a VM on Azure in minutes - YouTube
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If not you can here: Create Your Azure Free Account Today | Microsoft Azure
On the Azure Portal you can hover over pretty much anything and see useful guides and your recent resources of each service.
Let's search for Virtual Machines at the top
You can see the service on the left and documentation on the right hand side.
Click add and then virtual machine
Here's the form you get, you may have a different subscription name
Click create new for the resource group and give it a name :)
I've named it twitterdemo :) since I originally made this into a thread on Twitter, but you can give it any name you want
I've filled in more details such as region, and changed the OS/image to be Windows 10 Pro, keeping the default recommended size.
I've also put some login information which you want to remember!
For this demo I'm using RDP (remote desktop protocol), but in production you want to use Just in Time or Bastion to secure access ;)
You can optionally configure disk/virtual network/tag, etc. settings on the next pages
Click review + create
Review and create validation, make sure you're happy with all and then click create :) If anything has gone wrong here, make sure you haven't missed a step above. Feel free to message me on Twitter @salmanmkc if you have any problems.
When you create a new virtual machine (assuming you didn't configure any other settings), it will create a virtual network interface for your Virtual Machine, a virtual network, a network security group, and a public IP address
Get a cup of coffee☕
Come back in a few minutes⌛
Virtual Machine created!
Click go to resource :)
Click connect, and then choose RDP
Download your RDP file
Open The RDP file and click connect
When greeted with this screen you want to click more choices
Then click use a different account
Enter your username that you chose in the email section of the wizard and your password that you configured in the wizard
Click ok :)
click yes :)
Let your machine log in :)
Hurray! Mission complete!
Once done, don't forget to go back to the portal and stop your virtual machine
Completely done?
Click into your resource group
Click delete resource group :)
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I wrote this blog some time ago on my own site, but decided to start publishing here on Dev to as well. This is my first blog post here! :)
I also upload content on YouTube:
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